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308    L. Gianguzzi et al.

            Post-glacial expansion of polyploids toward northern  example, it is located in the southern part, at Bonifacio
            areas has been described in numerous groups (Stebbins  (Mucchiu Biancu, Bruzzi and the Tre Padule De
            1984; Brochmann et al. 2004), and diploidy in S.   Suartone Nature Reserve; Paradis 2010). It is also
            mattiazzi could be a characteristic of the relictual  present in the adjacent Maddalena Archipelago, northern
            character of the populations. This hypothesis needs to be  Sardinia (Bocchieri 1996), and at the extreme south, in
            tested using a phylogeographic approach (Parisod and  particular in the Sulcis area where it is cited for
            Besnard 2007).                                     the localities of Pula “in arenosis” (Moris 1827),
                                                               S.  Margherita  (Cavara  1901),  Pixinamanna  forest
                                                               (Arrigoni 1964), Cortoghiana Pine forest, Mounts Sa
            Chorological analysis and phytogeographical
                                                               Guardia, Domus de Maria, Corona Maria, Cala Verde,
            importance of the new findings
                                                               Pula (Dispensa Tonietti – Pixinamanna) and Sarroch at
            Review of distribution
                                                               Rio  Bidda  Mores  (Bacchetta  2006;  Angius  and
            Simethis mattiazzi reaches its northernmost distribution  Bacchetta 2009) and in the Sant’Antioco Island (Milia
            limit along the coasts of the south-western part of  and Mossa 1977). Other disjointed stations are located in
            Ireland, where it is reported in County Kerry (Clapham,  the central part of the Italian Peninsula, in particular in
            Tutin, and Moore 1989) as naturalized; it has also been  the regions: (1) Campania (Punta Campanella, in the
            mentioned for the southern part of Great Britain, in  Sorrentine Peninsula; Fiori 1923–29); (2) Lazio, at
            County Dorset (Dupont 1962), although it was later  Latina – Borgo Piave (Ricci 1972) and Borgo Isonzo
            declared extinct (Webb in Tutin et al. 1980). It becomes  (Locatelli-Lanzara, Marchi, and Moskova 1971) – and in
            more common in the Atlantic belt of France (Brittany,  the Macchiagrande di Maccarese, near Rome (Pignatti,
            Loire Valley, in the plains south of the Garonne till the  Lucchese,  and  Lattanzi  1985);  (3)  Tuscany,  in
            northern slopes of the Pyrenees), up to the mountains of  the Maremma Grossetana (Selvi and Viciani 1999).
            the Central Massif (Grenier and Godron 1855; Fournier  The species is also reported for several small islands in
            1961; Dupont 1962). It tends to become gradually rarer  the Central Tyrrhenian Sea, in particular (from south to
            inland, reappearing sporadically along the  French  north): the Gallos Archipelago and the Islet of Vivara
            Mediterranean sectors, up to the coastline between  (Fiori 1925–29), the Palmarola Island (at Punta di
            Toulon and Saint-Tropez, with other, more or less  Tramontana; Béguinot 1905), the Ponza Island (summits
            isolated, stations south of the plain of Languedoc  of Mounts Frontone and Tre Venti, and at Campo
            (Dupont 1962). It is also common along the Atlantic  Inglese; Béguinot 1905), the Zannone Island (Anzalone
            arch  of  the  Iberian  Peninsula  (Basque  country,  and Caputo 1974–75) and Monte Argentario in the
            Cantabrian range, Galicia, most of Portugal), up to the  Tuscan Archipelago (Baldini 1995). The two new ones
            Algarve (Pereira Coutinho 1974).                   identified in Sicily need now to be added to these
               In Spain, it is recorded with isolated populations  records.
            along the coasts of Catalonia (Font Quer 1949; Mercadal
            2000; Bolòs et al. 2005; Sàez, Aymerich, and Blanché
            2010) and further inland at Pinar de Selas and Sierra de  Phytogeographical significance of the new records
            Gredos (Morales Del Molino and G. Mateo 2010);     The updated reconstruction of the range of S. mattiazzi,
            an  ulterior  bibliographic  citation  is  reported  for  reported in Figure 2, further emphasizes the floristic and
            Sierra  Madrona,  although  not  confirmed  recently  phytogeographic interest of some refuge sites located in
            (Martin-Blanco and Carrasco 2005). Other disjointed  the Tyrrhenian area and in the western part of the
            stations are indicated at the southern end of Spain, near  Eusiculo Sector (Brullo, Minissale, and Spampinato
            the Gibraltar Strait, between Serrania de Ronda and the  1995, Brullo et al. 2011).
            Aljibe Massif (Cadiz and Malaga) and along the        The Marettimo Island, located about 35 km from the
            Atlantic-Andalusian coast (Morales Del Molino and  western coast of Sicily, is separated by a deep stretch of
            Mateo 2010).                                       sea – isobaths ranging from –100 to –350 m – that led to
               In Northern Africa, the distribution is fragmented  its isolation from the mainland during the maximum
            across a wide belt of territory, from Morocco to Tunisia.  marine regression of the Würm (about 20,000–18,000
            From west to east, it is cited as rare in the forest of  years ago; Agnesi et al. 1993). This led to the
            Mamora at Port-Lyautey, becoming more common in the  preservation of a specific plant biodiversity (Francini and
            Atlantic sector between Rabat and the Tingitana    Messeri 1956; Nimis et al. 1994), rich in palaeoendemics,
            Peninsula (Tangier region) up to the Rif Mountains.  in part exclusive [Bupleurum dianthifolium Guss., Scilla
            Further east, it is recorded on the hills of the Tell (from  hughii Tineo, Allium franciniae Brullo & Pavone,
            Cherchell to the Constantine area) and in Krumiria  Limonium tenuiculum (Tineo) Pign., Thymus richardii
            (Tunisia), where it is relatively common; it is cited as  Pers. subsp. nitidus (Guss.) Jalas.], in part shared with
            rare also in the Cape Bon Peninsula (Ball 1878; Bonnet  some other islands of the Aegadian Archipelago
            and Baratte 1896; Maire 1952; Valdes et al. 2002).  (Brassica  macrocarpa  Guss.)  or  with  Sicily
               In the Tyrrhenian area the species is present at  [Pseudoscabiosa limonifolia (Vahl) Devesa]. Several taxa
            isolated and fragmentary stations. In Corsica, for  with a wide range made discontinuous by the glaciations
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