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304    L. Gianguzzi et al.

                Mots-clés: Analyse des populations; biogéographie; conservation de la nature; critères de l’UICN; espèces en danger de
                la région méditerranéenne; Simethis mattiazzi; Xanthorrhoeaceae

                                                               Materials and methods
            Simethis mattiazzi (Vandelli) Sacc. is the only hitherto
                                                               This research is part of geobotanical surveys carried out
            known entity of a phylogenetically very isolated genus
                                                               for years in the western sector of Sicily and in the small
            (Chase et al. 2000; Chase, Reveal, and Fay 2009;
                                                               circum-Sicilian islands (Gianguzzi 1999; Gianguzzi and
            Euro+Med Plantbase 2006–10), first attributed to the
                                                               Ottonello 2000; Gianguzzi, Scuderi, and La Mantia
            family Liliaceae (Bonnet and Baratte 1896; Fournier
                                                               2003a, 2003b; Romano, Gianguzzi, and Tobia 2003;
            1961; Haslam, Sell, and Wolseley 1977; Webb 1980;
                                                               Romano, Tobia, and Gianguzzi 2006; Gianguzzi and La
            Pignatti 1982; Blamey and Grey-Wilson 1991), then to
                                                               Mantia 2008). After the first discovery of the species on
            Asphodelaceae (Chase et al. 2000; Valdes et al.
                                                               the Marettimo Island in 2003 (Gianguzzi, Scuderi, and
            2002; Chase, Reveal, and Fay 2009), and finally – on
                                                               Pasta 2006), the investigations were extended and a
            the basis of more recent systematic revisions – to
                                                               second population was found on Mount S. Giuliano
            Xanthorrhoeaceae  Dumort.  (1829)  nom.   cons.,
            subfamily Hemerocallidoideae (APG II 2003; APG III  (western Sicily) in the spring of 2011. In both sites
            2009). The distribution of this species spreads through  further field checks were carried out to define the extent
            the western part of Europe, with a greater gravitation  of the populations and to ascertain the presence of any
            in the Atlantic belt (Webb in Tutin et al. 1980)   other nuclei.
            extending to the north-western coasts of Morocco, with  The adopted nomenclature for the species mainly
            some disjointed stations located in the territories of the  follows Conti et al. (2005), Giardina, Raimondo, and
            Italo-Tyrrhenian Province (Pignatti 1982; Conti et al.  Spadaro (2007) and Raimondo and Spadaro (2009) for
            2005).                                             references related to Italy, Flora Iberica (Castroviejo et al.
               Two stations of S. mattiazzi were recently discovered  1986–2003) and Flora Europaea (Tutin et al. 1964–80)
            in the regional territory of Sicily, at the south-eastern  for the remaining taxa. The exiccata collected during the
            limit of the range. The first of the two populations is  field  researches  are  kept  at  the  Department  of
                                                               Environmental Biology and Biodiversity of the University
            located on the Marettimo Island (Aegadian Archipelago,
                                                               of Palermo (collections of one the authors); another
            Channel of Sicily), where it was discovered by Prof.
                                                               sample is kept at the Herbarium of Catania (CAT), Sicily.
            Brullo in 2003 (Gianguzzi, Scuderi, and Pasta 2006).
            The second population was recently found in Sicily,
                                                               Taxonomical and morphological analyses
            along the northern slope of Mount S. Giuliano (Erice,
            Trapani Prov.). These populations are more than 300 km  The taxonomical analysis was performed based on a
            away from the closest Tyrrhenian sites previously known  detailed  bibliographic  survey.  The  morphological
            for southern Sardinia (to the north-west) and the Pontine  characterization refers mainly to direct observations on the
            Islands (to the north-east), and about 150 km from the  two investigated populations; an original line iconography,
            northern African stations of Tunisia (to the south-west).  representative of the observed characteristics, was also
            These finds lead to the addition of a species – as well as  produced (Figure 1). Field surveys with monitoring during
            a genus and a family – to the strictly insular flora of  the different seasonal phases were performed to record
            Sicily. However, the evolutionary significance and the  observations  on the  biology and phenology;  the
            conservation status of such small isolated populations  karyological  structure  was  investigated  through  a
            need to be evaluated to define appropriate protection  bibliographic survey.
            measures (Sciandrello and Tomaselli 2011; García
            González et al. 2011).                             Chorological analysis and phytogeographical
               Besides focusing on the phytogeographical interest of  importance of the new findings
            the new discoveries, the present work tries to give  The general distribution map of S. mattiazzi (Figure 2)
            answers to the following questions. (1) What are the  was drawn on the basis of the data reported by Dupont
            abiotic (substrate, bioclimate, exposure, etc.) and biotic  (1962), Webb (in Tutin et al. 1980), Bolòs and Vigo
            (synecology, co-living with endemic or rare species, etc.)  (1984–2001), Bolòs et al. (2005) and Morales Del Molino
            factors that characterize the habitat? (2) Are the new  and Mateo (2010); the localization of the two new
            populations of S. mattiazzi relictual or do they belong  Sicilian stations and the other Italian stations (Béguinot
            to a relictual flora? (3) What is the numerical importance  1905; Fiori 1923–29; Ricci 1972; Anzalone and Caputo
            of the populations (especially in terms of mature  1974–75; Pignatti, Lucchese, and Lattanzi 1985; Baldini
            individuals)? How many mature individuals are there?  1995; Selvi and Viciani 1999) were then integrated.
            Do these stations, located at the extreme south-eastern  The phytogeographical significance of the new
            limit of the range, suffer from isolation and are they at  discoveries was evaluated by an analysis of the floristic
            risk?                                              studies relating to the species and of the flora present in
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