Page 4 - Gianguzzi_alii_2012
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Acta Botanica Gallica: Botany Letters 305
Figure 1. Iconography of Simethis mattiazzi: habitus; flower; fruit; tepal and stamen.
Figure 1. Iconographie de Simethis mattiazzi: habitus; fleur; fruit; tépale et étamine.
the territories of the Marettimo Island (Francini and Fierotti 1997) and climatic (Gianguzzi, Scuderi, and
Messeri 1956; Gianguzzi, Scuderi and Pasta 2006) and Pasta 2006; Gianguzzi and La Mantia 2008) nature
of coastal headlands at Trapani (Aleo, Bazan, and Cordì were consulted.
2005; Gianguzzi and La Mantia 2008). For the characterization of climate, the available
rainfall and thermal measurements were also researched,
Description and ecological analysis of the sites using the data published by Ministero dei LL. PP.
For the ecological framework of the sites, several (1978–96) and processed by Duro et al. (1996). For the
bibliographical contributions of geolithological (Abate, climatology of the Marettimo Island, given the lack of
Lo Cicero, and Renda 1982; Abate et al. 1993, 1998; rainfall and thermal measurements for the entire
Agnesi et al. 1993; Abate, Incandela, and. Renda Aegadian Archipelago, the data collected in the station
1999), pedological (Fierotti, Dazzi, and Raimondi 1988; of Trapani, located at the east of the area of investigation