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306    L. Gianguzzi et al.

            Figure 2.  Geographical distribution of Simethis mattiazzi: in grey, the main range of the species; (d) disjointed stations; (j) sites of
            recent discovery, subject of the present survey; (▲) ancient bibliographic data unconfirmed.
            Figure 2. Distribution géographique de Simethis mattiazzi: en gris, l’aire de répartition principale de l’espèce; (d) stations disjointes;
            (j) sites de découverte récente étudiés; (▲) anciennes citations bibliographiques non confirmées.

            along the coastline of Sicily, was consulted. For the area  evaluate their ability to last over time (production of
            of Mount S. Giuliano the recordings made in the stations  fruits, seeds, propagules, etc.).
            of Erice and S. Andrea di Bonagia were also reviewed,  Taking into account an evaluation of the threats
            the first located at a much higher altitude [756 m above  hanging over both sites, a “risk status” analysis was
            seal level (a.s.l.)], the second – with only rainfall  therefore performed according to the criteria from the
            measurements available – in an inner valley (48 m a.s.l.).  most recent versions of the IUCN protocol (IUCN 2001)
            For the bioclimatic definition of the two areas, reference  and to the guidelines suggested for its implementation
            was also made to the Climatological Atlas of Sicily by  (IUCN 2003, 2006, 2011).
            Drago et al. (2000).
            Phytosociological and synecological analyses
                                                               Results and discussion
            The study of vegetation was carried out according to the
                                                               Taxonomical, morphological and chorological analysis
            methodology of the Zurich-Montpellier School, adopting
                                                               Taxonomic treatment
            the abundance–dominance indices proposed by Braun-
            Blanquet (1932, 1964). The phytosociological attribution  Simethis mattiazzi (Vandelli) Sacc. (Figure 1) [≡
            of the coenoses refers to Brullo et al. (2002), the  Anthèricum mattiazzi Vandelli, Fasc. Pl. 12 (1771); = A.
            syntaxonomical framework to Brullo et al. (2006, 2010).  planifolium L., Mant. Alt. Pl. 2, 224 (1771); = A. bicolor
            Concurrently,  a  synecological  analysis  was  also  Desf., Fl. Atlant. 1, 304 (1798); = A. ericetorum
            performed, considering the vegetation series in which the  Bergeret,  Fl.  Basses-Pyrénées  2,  168  (1803);  =
            same formations appear (Géhu and Rivas-Martínez 1981;  Margagnia bicolor Bubani; = Phalangius planifolium
            Rivas-Martinez 1983; Biondi 1994).                 (L.) Pers., Syn. Pl. 1, 367 (1805); = P. bicolor DC. in P.
                                                               J. Redouté, Liliac. 4, t. 215 (1808); = Bulbine planifolia
            Population analysis                                (L.) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 2, 86 (1825); = Hemierium
            Given the small size of the populations, this aspect of  planifolium (L.) Raf., Fl. Tellur. 2, 27 (1837); =
            the research involved the entire surface of both stations  Pubilaria bicolor (Desf.) Rafin., Fl. Tellur. 2, 27 (1837);
            to record precisely the number of individuals present and  = Morgagnia bicolor (Desf.) Bubani, Nuovi Ann. Sci.
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