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310    L. Gianguzzi et al.

            of the Quaternary have also been recorded. This is the  (1)  Marettimo  Island  [Favignana  (TP),  Aegadian
            case for S. mattiazzi which in the island is very rare and  Archipelago]
            has a relictual significance, and for various other species,  The station is located at Punta Mugnone (about
            such as Euphorbia papillaris (Boiss.) Raffaelli & Ricceri,  120–140 m a.s.l.), in the southern part of the Island; the
            Daphne sericea Vahl., Thymelaea tartonraira (L.) All.,  species is present with fewer than 10 individuals, settled
            Erodium maritimum (L.) L’Her., Periploca laevigata  along a rocky ridge, in pockets of soil preserved among
            Aiton subsp. angustifolia (Labill.) Markgraf, Globularia  the cracks of limestone slabs. The area is geologically
            alypum L., Chamaerops humilis L., Ephedra fragilis  referred to the Punta Bassana Unity (Middle Triassic?–
            Desf. The analysis of the phytosociological relevé  Middle Jurassic), characterized by a larger sequence of
            reported in Table 1 shows that S. mattiazzi is locally  varicoloured shales with interbedded limestones and
            associated with one endemic [Micromeria graeca (L.)  stromatolitic and lateritic dolomites (Abate, Lo Cicero,
            Rchb. subsp. fruticulosa (Bertol.) Guinea] and two rare  and Renda 1982; Agnesi et al. 1993; Abate, Incandela,
            species  (Rosmarinus  officinalis  L.  and  Coronilla  and. Renda 1999). The most common soil types
            valentina L.).                                     (Fierotti, Dazzi, and Raimondi 1988; Fierotti 1997) are
               Similar considerations can be made for Mount S.  represented  by  Rock  Outcrop,  lithosols  (Lithic
            Giuliano, of which the relief rises along the western  Xerorthents) and red soils (Lithic Rhodoxeralfs). From a
            coast of Sicily, together with the adjacent Mount Cofano,  bioclimatic point of view, the station is located in the
            to  constitute  niches–refuges  for  another  floristic  lower thermo-Mediterranean bioclimatic belt (Gianguzzi,
            contingent  of  particular  biogeographic  relevance  Scuderi, and La Mantia 2003b; Gianguzzi, Scuderi, and
            (Table 2). Simethis mattiazzi is found with several other  Pasta 2006), tending to lower subhumid ombrotype
            “significant” species of the vascular flora, such as Erica  (taking into account the occult precipitation of the site).
            sicula Guss. subsp. sicula, Hieracium cophanense   According to the station of Trapani data, average
            Lojac.,  Pseudoscabiosa  limonifolia  (Vahl)  Devesa,  temperatures hover around 18°C (Table 3), with rainfall
            Ranunculus rupestris Guss. subsp. rupestris, Seseli  of 480 mm (Table 4).
            bocconei Guss. subsp. bocconei, Dianthus rupicola Biv.
            subsp. rupicola, Iberis semperflorens L., Convolvolus  (2) Mount S. Giuliano [Erice (TP), Western Sicily]
            cneorum L., Lithodora rosmarinifolia (Ten.) Johnston,  The station is located in the territory of Erice (Trapani),
            Serratula cichoracea (L.) DC. subsp. mucronata (Desf.)  along the northern slopes of the mount, about 250–
            Lacaita, Allium lehmannii Lojac., Anthemis cupaniana  270 m  a.s.l.  (Figure  4).  The  population  of
            Tod. ex Lojac., Asperula rupestris Tineo, Brassica  S. mattiazzi is localized in the area above the cliffs
            villosa Biv. subsp. drepanensis (Caruel) Raimondo &  placed in correspondence with the village of Pizzolungo
            Mazzola, Centaurea ucriae Lacaita subsp. ucriae,   (Trapani).  It  is  estimated  that  around  350–400
            Centaurea erycina Raimondo & Bancheva, Matthiola   individuals are confined within an area of about
            incana (L.) R. Br. subsp. rupestris (Rafin.) Nyman,  1000 m , which is much bigger than at Marettimo. The
            Phagnalon metlesicsii Pign., Rhamnus lycioides L.  habitat is similar to the previous station, with partially
            subsp. oleoides Jahandiez & Maire, etc.            eroded soil pockets (Figure 5) that develop on carbonate
               The phytosociological relevés reported in Tables 1  substrates attributed to the Trapanesi Unities (Abate
            and 2 show S. mattiazzi to be associated with eight  et al. 1993, 1998); the most common soil types are also
            endemics [Micromeria graeca subsp. fruticulosa, Klasea  here represented by Rock Outcrop, lithosols (Lithic
            flavescens (L.) Holub subsp. mucronata (Desf.) Cantó &  Xerorthents) and red soils (Lithic Rhodoxeralfs) (Fierotti,
            Rivas-Mart., Eryngium tricuspidatum L. var. bocconii  Dazzi, and Raimondi 1988; Fierotti 1997). Considering
            (Lam.)  Fiori,  Delphinium  emarginatum  C.  Presl,  that the thermo-rainfall station of Erice (Table 3) is
            Scorzonera villosa Scop. subsp. columnae (Guss.)   placed at altitudes much higher than the site investigated,
            Nyman, Carlina sicula Ten., Dianthus graminifolius C.  the presumable average temperatures hover around 17–
            Presl, Tolpis virgata (Desf.) Bertol. subsp. quadriaristata  18°C (Drago et al. 2000). Based on the rainfall
            (Biv.) Giardina & Raimondo] and two rare entities  recordings made in the nearby station of S. Andrea di
            [Teucrium capitatum L., Helminthotheca aculeata (Vahl)  Bonagìa (Table 4), the average rainfalls are close to
            Lack].  This  large  group  of  taxa  of  particular  600 mm with 69 rainy days. Under the bioclimatic
            phytogeographical significance emphasizes the floristic  aspect, the area is referred to the upper thermo-
            peculiarity of the coenose in which the species lives,  Mediterranean  lower  subhumid  bioclimatic  belt
            denoting also a character of relictuality, even more so  (Gianguzzi and La Mantia 2008).
            than in the Marettimo Island.
                                                               Phytosociological and synecological analysis
            Description and ecological analysis of the sites   Bibliographical references for the entire range
            For the two surveyed areas, the main topographical,  In the Atlantic area, S. mattiazzi is typical of moorlands
            geopedological and bioclimatic features are provided  and heathlands framed in the class Calluno-Ulicetea,
            below.                                             of which it is considered a characteristic element
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