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            Table 3.  Average yearly temperature (in °C): maximum and minimum, average, variation, absolute maximum and minimum
            temperatures, registered in the stations of Trapani (Duro et al. 1996) and Erice (Ministero dei LL. PP. 1978–96).
            Tableau 3. Température moyenne annuelle (en °C): maxima et minima, moyenne, amplitude, maxima et minima absolus, enregistrés
            dans les stations de Trapani (Duro et al. 1996) et Erice (Ministero dei LL. PP.1978–96).
            Station       Maximum         Minimum         Average        Range         Max. abs.       Min. abs.
            Trapani         21.7            14.4            18.1          7.3            41.8             0.1
            Erice           17.5            11.9            14.5          5.6            41.0            – 2.7

            Table 4.  Average monthly and yearly precipitation (mm) and number of rainy days (rd), registered in the stations of Trapani, S.
            Andrea di Bonagia (period 1926–85; Duro et al. 1996) and Erice (period 1978–96; Ministero dei LL. PP. 1978–96).
            Tableau 4. Précipitations moyennes mensuelles et annuelles (mm) et nombre de jours pluvieux (rd), enregistrées dans les stations de
            Trapani, S. Andrea di Bonagia (période 1926–85; Duro et al. 1996) et Erice (période 1978–96; Ministero dei LL. PP. 1978–96).

                                                                S. Andrea Bonagia
                                 Trapani (15 m a.s.l.)            (48 m a.s.l.)               Erice (756 m a.s.l.)
                                mm              rd            mm              rd            mm              rd
            January             64.2            10            75.0            10             81.7           10
            February            50.8            8             65.6             9             61.8           10
            March               44.1            7             60.0             8             71.9           10
            April               34.4            5             42.2             6             72.6            8
            May                 19.2            3             22.6             3             35.2            5
            June                 8.0            1              8.9             1             6.5             2
            July                 1.7            –              2.6             –             4.0             –
            August               9.5            1             15.1             1             10.0            1
            September           35.3            3             55.7             4             49.3            4
            October             71.1            7             89.3             7             90.6            7
            November            69.6            8             85.1             9             86.4           10
            December            75.1            11            78.6            11             82.0           11
            Year               483              64            602.7           69            651.3           78
            a.s.l., above sea level.

            Figure 4.  A view of the calcareous rocky ridges in the station of Mount S. Giuliano (Erice).
            Figure 4. Crêtes calcaires dans la station du Mont San Giuliano (Erice).
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