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P. 9

Performance Indicator Importance in MPA Management     609

                                                Table 2
   Downloaded By: [University of Leeds] At: 13:49 18 January 2008
                      Aggregated priorities of the performance indicators by stakeholder group
               Performance indicators     Fishers Managers Researchers Residents  Tourists
               Management                  0.126   0.404     0.238      0.166    0.096
               Increase management         0.084   0.258     0.184      0.105    0.049
                 efficiency (indicator 1)
               Std. Dev.                   0.080   0.221     0.128      0.074    0.027
               Increase the information    0.042   0.146     0.054      0.060    0.047
                 available to tourists/locals
                 (indicator 2)
               Std. Dev.                   0.028   0.105     0.021      0.043    0.021
               Biological/Environmental    0.273   0.206     0.298      0.343    0.343
               Increase biological resources in  0.144  0.109  0.221    0.119    0.170
                 local waters (indicator 3)
               Std. Dev.                   0.076   0.044     0.100      0.100    0.092
               Reduce the amount of pollution  0.129  0.097  0.076      0.224    0.174
                 (indicator 4)
               Std. Dev.                   0.101   0.033     0.049      0.152    0.126
               Economic                    0.366   0.129     0.156      0.128    0.134
               Increase the number of fish  0.139   0.060     0.092      0.063    0.069
                 caught by fishers (indicator
               Std. Dev.                   0.068   0.030     0.035      0.061    0.047
               Increase the income made from  0.227  0.069   0.064      0.066    0.065
                 local tourism (indicator 6)
               Std. Dev.                   0.118   0.104     0.034      0.048    0.051
               Social                      0.235   0.260     0.308      0.363    0.427
               Increase community          0.091   0.157     0.146      0.199    0.219
                 involvement in management
                 (indicator 7)
               Std. Dev.                   0.037   0.174     0.051      0.126    0.126
               Increase the community      0.143   0.103     0.162      0.164    0.208
                 benefits (indicator 8)
               Std. Dev.                   0.073   0.081     0.043      0.099    0.102

               aggregated paired comparisons for each of the indicators and the associated priority
               weights were considered (Figure 4). Residents considered pollution to have a much higher
               ranking than any other stakeholder group. However, this is closely followed by increasing
               community benefits and community involvement, which explains the high ranking overall
               of the social category and shows the community’s interest in getting something out of the
               EIMR (Table 2).
                   Managers clearly rank “increasing management efficiency” with the highest priority.
               This should be expected because they are responsible for the overall performance of the
               MPA(Figure4). Furthermore, theprioritythat managers assignedtoincreasingmanagement
               efficiency was significantly higher than the priority given to it by the other stakeholder
               groups (ANOVA, F-value = 4.030, p-value = .006). This was followed by “increasing
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