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Biol Invasions (2009) 11:1631–1651
          DOI 10.1007/s10530-008-9394-z

          Invasive rats and seabirds after 2,000 years of an unwanted
          coexistence on Mediterranean islands

          L. Ruffino Æ K. Bourgeois Æ E. Vidal Æ C. Duhem Æ M. Paracuellos Æ
          F. Escribano Æ P. Sposimo Æ N. Baccetti Æ M. Pascal Æ D. Oro

          Received: 14 November 2007 / Accepted: 24 September 2008 / Published online: 20 January 2009
          Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009

          Abstract  In the Mediterranean, the survival of  scale, rat presence was only a limiting factor in the
          endemic long-lived seabirds despite the long-standing  abundance of the smallest seabird, the storm petrel
          introduction of one of the most damaging alien  (Hydrobates pelagicus), while the distribution and
          predator, the ship rat (Rattus rattus), on most islands  abundance of the three shearwaters were more
          constitutes an amazing conservation paradox. A  influenced by island characteristics. We hypothesized
          database gathering information on approximately  that the long-term persistence of these seabirds may
          300 Western Mediterranean islands was analyzed  have been facilitated by the various biogeographical
          through generalized linear models to identify the  contexts of Mediterranean islands, likely to provide
          factors likely to influence ship rat presence and to  intra-island refuges.
          account for how ship rat presence and island char-
          acteristics may have driven the presence and    Keywords   Coexistence   Introduced predators
          abundance of seabirds. Our review showed that few  Islands   Mediterranean   Procellariiformes
          Mediterranean islands remain rat-free. At the regional  Rattus rattus

          L. Ruffino (&)   K. Bourgeois   E. Vidal   C. Duhem  N. Baccetti
          IMEP-CNRS, Paul Ce ´zanne University, Ba ˆtiment  Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica via ca’
          Villemin, Domaine du Petit Arbois, Avenue Philibert,  Fornacetta 9, 40064 Ozzano Emilia BO, Italy
          B.P. 80, 13545 Aix-en-Provence Ce ´dex 04, France
          e-mail:                    M. Pascal
                                                          INRA SCRIBE, E ´ quipe E ´ cologie des Invasions
          M. Paracuellos                                  Biologiques, UMR Ecologie et Sante ´ des Ecosyste `mes,
          Grupo de Investigacion Ecologia Acuatica y Acuicultura,  Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 Rennes, France
          Universidad de Almeria Apdo. 110, 04770 Adra, Almerı ´a,
          Spain                                           D. Oro
                                                          Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avancats IMEDEA
          F. Escribano                                    (CSIC-UIB), Miquel Marques 21, 07190 Esporles,
          Direccio ´n General del Medio Natural, Consejerı ´ade  Mallorca, Spain
          Desarrollo Sostenible y Ordenacio ´n del Territorio,
          C/Catedra ´tico Eugenio Ubeda, 3 3 planta. Despacho 302,
          30008 Murcia, Spain
          P. Sposimo
          NEMO, Nature and Environment Management Operators
          S.r.l., Piazza D’Azeglio 11, 50121 Florence, Italy

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