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1634                                                                            L. Ruffino et al.

          Table 1 Explanatory and response variables with their  M  = GLMs on rat impact on the breeding success of
          description and integration in each statistical analysis  Calonectris diomedea (C) and Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA for
          (Rats = GLM on rat distribution; Seabirds  D, A  = GLMs on  Puffinus mauretanicus (M)
          seabird distribution (D) and abundance (A); Rat impact  C,
          Parameters      Description                          Status   Range        GLMs

          Explanatory variables
          Area            Island area (ha)                     Continuous 0,021–69,439 ha Rats and seabirds  (A, D)
          Elevation       Maximum island elevation (m)         Continuous 3–1,445 m  Rats and seabirds  (A, D)
          Rat presence    Ship rat absence or presence on islands  Categorical 0/1   Rats and seabirds  (A, D)
          Distance continent  Minimum distance (m) to continent or land mass  Continuous 5–245,300 m  Rats
                           (i.e., Sardinia, Corsica, Sicilia)
          Distance source  Minimum distance (m) to nearest island[5ha or to Continuous 2–70,000 m  Rats
                           continent (whichever is closer)
          Humans          A: currently uninhabited             Categorical           Rats
                          B: rare/occasional human presence and/or past
                           human presence (in the last 100 years)
                          C: permanent human presence (and presence of
          Dist. near rats  Minimum distance (m) to nearest rat-infested island Continuous 2–67,000 m  Seabirds (A, D)
          Substrate       Main island rock substrate: limestone or non-  Categorical  Seabirds (A, D)
          Geographical region E: Eastern Mediterranean islands from Gibraltar  Categorical  Rat impact (C)
                           Strait to French islands
                          W: Western Mediterranean islands from Sardinia to
                           the Maltese archipelago
          Rat impact      Y: ship rat presence and no management action  Categorical  Rat impact (C, M)
                          C: local ship rat control
                          A: ship rat absence (with or without eradication)
          Year of study   Year when breeding success was monitored  Continuous 1979–2007  Rat impact (C)
          Response variables
          Seabird abundance  Seabird abundance on islands (i.e., number of  Continuous 1–25,000 pairs  Seabirds (A)
                           breeding pairs)
          Seabird presence  Seabird absence or presence on islands  Categorical 0/1  Seabirds (D)
          Breeding success  Shearwater mean breeding success (%)  Continuous 0–100%  Rat impact (C, M)

          restricted to the Balearic Archipelago (\2,000 breed-  Ship rats were considered present on a particular
          ing pairs; Ruiz and Martı ´ 2004) and usually breeds in  island if mentioned, either continuously or occasion-
          small—(\30 breeding pairs) and medium-sized col-  ally, and absent if not found despite investigation.
          onies (e.g., 250–300 breeding pairs on main Menorca  When ship rats were eradicated from islands, we
          Island, Balearic Archipelago, R. Triay, pers. comm.).  used seabird abundance assessed before eradication.
          The storm petrel, the smallest species under study  Two main island substrates were distinguished (i.e.,
          (25–29 g), is widely distributed throughout the basin  limestone and non-limestone; Table 1) according to
          ([15,000 breeding pairs, Zotier et al. 1999) and  the nature of the dominant substrate. A limestone
          usually breed in small islands where colonies can  substrate may provide deeper and more abundant
          sometimes reach thousands of pairs (e.g., 6,550  cavities (caves, crevices) than non-limestone sub-
          breeding pairs on Filfla (2 ha), Maltese islands, Borg  strates (Martin et al. 2000). For rat distribution
          and Sultana 2002).                              analysis, we considered continents and islands C5ha

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