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Invasive rats and seabirds after 2,000 years                                            1633

          Methods                                         (Table 1). Because they possess life-history traits
                                                          likely to make them particularly sensitive to intro-
          Datasets                                        duced mammal predators (Jones et al. 2008), we
                                                          focused seabird analyses on the four Mediterranean
          We focused our study on the Western Mediterranean  Procellariiform  taxa:  the  Yelkouan  shearwater
          Basin because it has been more studied than the eastern  (Puffinus yelkouan) and the Balearic shearwater
          part. The Western Mediterranean Basin stretches from  (P. mauretanicus), which are Mediterranean endemic
          the Gibraltar Strait (west) to the Adriatic Sea (east),  species, and two Mediterranean endemic subspecies,
          and covers about one-third of the 3,081,880 km 2  the Mediterranean Cory’s shearwater (Calonectris
          Mediterranean Sea and comprises ca. 700 islands and  diomedea diomedea) and the Mediterranean storm
          islets. Although available, data about island charac-  petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis). The Cory’s
          teristics, seabirds, and rats have never been compiled  shearwater is the largest species (500–800 g) and its
          and analyzed on such a wide scale (but see Martin et al.  distribution encompasses the entire Mediterranean
          2000). The data used in this review were collated from  Basin (57,000–76,000 breeding pairs, Zotier et al.
          published sources (including grey literature), unpub-  1999). Its breeding colonies on islands range from
          lished reports, notes, and personal communication  small (\20 breeding pairs) to large (e.g., 25,000
          from nature-reserve managers, conservationists, and  breeding pairs on Zembra Island, Tunisia; Isenmann
          researchers, who were specifically contacted.    and Moali 2000). The distribution of the Yelkouan
             Data on seabird presence and abundance, island  shearwater (350–500 g) is sparse and the world
          characteristics, and ship rat presence were collected  population may be limited to only a few thousand
          for 292 islands (Fig. 1; Appendix 1). Only the most  breeding pairs (Bourgeois and Vidal 2008). Yelkouan
          recent and reliable census on breeding seabird  shearwater colonies are generally quite small but can
          populations was used. For each of these islands, five  reach up to 1,300–8,600 pairs on Tavolara-Molara
          potential explanatory variables for rat presence and  islands, Sardinia (G. Spano and N. Baccetti, pers.
          seabird presence and abundance were also collected  comm.). The Balearic shearwater (349–416 g) is

          Fig. 1 Map of the Western
          Mediterranean and location
          of the 292 islands studied

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