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                 Known as amalgadraba in Spanish. In this thesis I use the English preposition ‘the’ tonnara and mattanza for
                 A seafood certification scheme uses a third party to certify a fishery as  sustainable and for an annual fee,
               allows a fishery, wholesaler or retailer to use an eco-label to market its product as sustainable.  A third party
               certifier  assesses:  management  practices,  fishing  methods,  species  status  and  the  level  of  marine  research
                 Purse seine fleets use a large net that can encircle whole schools of fish. Seine nets are hung vertically in the
               water and weighed down by weights on the bottom end and buoyed with floats on the top end.
                 A device used by the fishing industry to attract fish.
               5  Bycatch is the incidental capture of non-target species.
                 I have italicised the word following when used to refer to the multisite ethnographic methodology.
               7  Ian Cook publishes under Cook et al. For an explanation see Ian Cook et al. (2005).
                 There are three tonnare (plural) near San Pietro. They are management by three separate companies: Isola
               Piana trap, managed by the Carloforte Tonnare PIAM Srl (Greco family); Portoscuso trap, managed by the
               Tonnara Su Pranu Portoscuso Srl; the Porto Paglia trap is managed by the Tonnare Sulcitane Srl (Addis et al.
               2013). These jointly form Consociazione Consortile delle Tonnare Sarde (from here referred to as the
               consortium). My research was predominantly at the tonnara named Isola Piana, owned by the Greco family.
               However, many of the issues that I address in this thesis relate to the management of all three tonnare.
               Furthermore the quota is shared across all three tonnare. Since 2010, in order to share operating
               costs, the three traps operate jointly by using the same logistic organisation and fleet, landing dock, buildings for
               processing (cutting and cleaning, chilling and packing for shipping) and storage space for tonnara supplies
               (Addis et al. 2013).
                  Quota  is  a  portion  of  the  Total  allowable  Catch  (TAC).  Regulators  set  a  species-specific  quantity  (TAC)
               usually by weight and for a restricted time period. A portion of the TAC, a quota share, is allocated to individual
               fisheries. In the case of Atlantic bluefin quota shares are first distributed to participating countries that then
               allocate quota to individual tuna fisheries.

               CHAPTER 1
               10  Tunny is an alternative name for tuna. The “y” (or “ie” in some versions) on the end is likely an English
               diminutive such as in Johnnie (‘Tunny’ 2016).
               11  See Marcus & Saka, 2006 for a discussion of the contemporary use of assemblage cultural analysis.
                   See  Hannerz  2006;  Marcus  1995  (multisite);  Miller  2010  (things);  Kirksey  and  Helmreich  2010
               (multispecies);  Tsing  2005  (an  illustration  of  elements  of  these  styles);  Whatmore  2002,  2006  (more-than-
               13  See also Cook et. al. 2004; Cook & Harrison 2007; Freidberg 2003; Probyn 2011; Bestor 2000.
                  Dumit draws on the scholarship of both Gilles Deleuze and Donna Haraway to form the implosion concept
               and project.
                  For a detailed critique of new materialism, in particular Jane Bennett's book Vibrant Matter, see Abrahamsson
               et al. 2015.
                  I refer to Bennett and Joyce (2010) because they add considerably to the concept of the flat social and have
               effectively brought together the work of Foucault and ANT scholars such as Bruno Latour and John Law in a
               way that develops a place in cultural studies for environmental issues, among other concerns often theorised
               within the materialist turn. The combination of these theoretical frameworks that are substantially different but
               complementary (Foucault and ANT) has inspired the theoretical framing of this thesis.
               17  I learned of this tin through secondary research into certification and tinned tuna.
                  Ecocrest certification was awarded to the Greco family’s company Carloforte Tonnare PIAM Srl in 2009 (Di
               Natale  &  Addis  2010).    According  to  Giuliano  Greco  (owner/manager)  certification  was  the  result  of
               collaboration between the tonnara and then director of SeaWorld Genoa Antonio di Natale. Giuliano says that
               they initially did this for rapport with the aquarium. Di Natale and Addis argue that the trap meets the criteria for
               sustainable certification as it has minimal impact on the stock. This is because it is a passive system, where

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