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specialised entries such as sustainable agriculture and sustainable development (Delbridge et al.1992, p. 1762).
               In the 2010 Macquarie Encyclopedic Dictionary (eds Atkinson & Moore 2010, pp. 1246) the entries in order of
               appearance  include:  sustain,  sustainable,  sustainable  agriculture,  sustainable  architecture  and  sustainable
               development.  The  Oxford  English  Dictionary  adds  to  this  list  of  specialised  uses:  ‘Sustainable  city’,
               ‘Sustainable tourism’, ‘Sustainable energy’ and ‘Sustainable transport’ (2013).
                  For an in-depth historical analysis of the term sustainability see Cunningham, R & U, Grober (2012).
                  A quick survey on the internet demonstrates that sustainability is a keyword in diverse fields:  sustainable
               communities  (Sustainable  Communities  Online  2016);  sustainable  industries  (Techconnectworld  2009);
               ‘Sustainable living’ (2016); sustainability indexes (Robecosam n.d.); corporate sustainability; and sustainability
               is now part of the Australian curriculum across core subjects like English, mathematics, science and history
               (Acara 2012).
               49  Certainly Law has made such a connection between the theoretical arenas of ANT and Foucault’s discourse
               when he says that actor networks are ‘scaled-down versions of Michel Foucault’s discourses or epistemes’ (Law
               2009, p.145). He continues, ‘Foucault asked us to attend to the productively strategic and relational character of
               epochal epistemes’ (Law 2009, p. 145). The actor network approach asks us to explore the strategic, relational,
               and productive character of particular, smaller-scale, heterogeneous actor networks’ (Law 2009, p.145). Bennett
               & Healy add that ‘[t]here is, in a related vein, also an interest in the opportunities for distinctive kinds of cultural
               analysis presented by the interfaces between assemblage theory and Foucault’s account of the varied kinds of
               entities  texts,  persons,  objects,  technologies,  whose  interrelations  accounted  for  the  distinctive  make-ups  of
               different dispositifs and the different kinds of action they are capable of performing’ (Bennett & Healy 2009, p.
               50  This argument is not new. See  Plumwood 2001, 2008b; Callicott 1992; Cronon 1995; Descola & Pálsson
               51  Individual Transferable Quota is a type of quota allocated to a fishery, which can be traded on the market. The
               dumping of species is termed “discards”. This continues to be a controversial practice which is part of the quota
               system and the European Common Fishery Policy. Laws concerning discards only recently changed in the EU in
               2013  when  a  ban  on  discards  was  introduced.  The  ban  will  be  implemented  gradually  between  2014-2016
               (‘Commissioner Maria Damanaki welcomes European parliament support to ban discarding in the Skaggerak’
               2013). These changes were partly a response to a popular, albeit controversial, campaign led by celebrity chef
               Hugh  Fearnley-Wittingstall  through  the  Fish  Fight  campaign  (2014).    However,  while  the  ban  attempts  to
               address the problem discards, other issues have arisen. For instance, the issue of who is responsible for costs of
               dealing with unmarketable fish landed is not resolved (Latham 2015). This may lead to the collapse of fisheries,
               especially smaller fisheries that are unable to cope with infrastructure needs and costs (Latham 2015).
               52   That  is,  in  line  with  a  Foucauldian  framework  I  draw  on  these  figures  to  show  wider  ideas  that  were
               developing, rather than to suggest that these figures are the sole actors in these developments.
               53   That  is,  in  line  with  a  Foucauldian  framework  I  draw  on  these  figures  to  show  wider  ideas  that  were
               developing, rather than to suggest that these figures are the sole actors in these developments.

               CHAPTER 4
               54  Sulcis is the name of the region in which San Pietro is located.
                  A ranch differs from a fish farm because the fish must be captured in the wild, rather than raised in a closed
               system. This is the case for bluefin tuna, which are caught in the wild and then moved to ranches for fattening.
                  Of course the issue of who makes knowledge legitimate is a problematic part of this collaboration. I return to
               the issue of legitimisation and this particular example in chapter five.
                  The diverse participants include commercial groups (fisheries, traders, auctioneers, ranchers, business
               owners and restaurants), environmental NGOs, animal rights groups, media, community members, consumers,
               scientists  and  intergovernmental  regulatory  bodies.  As  a  reminder  the  management  of  tuna  species  is
               multileveled. ICCAT are responsible for monitoring stocks and setting the TAC. The TAC is then distributed
               amongst the Contracting Parties (countries). Each country then divides up its quota of the TAC and allocates
               quota  to  fisheries.  Fisheries  must  comply  with  rules  set  by  EU  Common  Fishery  Policy  and  national
               departments, and they are under the jurisdiction of regional and local authorities.
               58  It was unclear what kind of gun. Javier said it’s not a proper gun. He called it a lupar. But then he found the
               word harpoon, so it may have been a harpoon.
               59  The Eastern Atlantic Bluefin Tuna: Entangled in a big mess, possibly far from a conservation red alert. Some
               comments after the proposal to include bluefin tuna in cites appendix i.
               60   ‘The  Commission  may  be  joined  by  any  government  that  is  a  member  of  the  United  Nations  (UN),  any
               specialized UN agency, or any inter-governmental economic integration organization constituted by States that
               have  transferred  to  it  competence  over  the  matters  governed  by  the  ICCAT  Convention.  Instruments  of

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