Page 325 - KATE_JOHNSTON_2017
P. 325
ratification, approval, or adherence may be deposited with the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and membership is effective on the date of such deposit. Currently
there are 50 contracting parties’ (ICCAT 2014). Of relevance to this section, the European Union is one of the
Contracting Parties. In the paper I refer to, CPs are also referring to countries who have a tuna quota.
61 Although the author is not talking about the tonnara, if we consider that the trap was closed until 1997, the
trap’s catch history statistics would be complicated by its closure.
‘The Presidia sustain quality production at risk of extinction, protect unique regions and ecosystems, recover
traditional processing methods, safeguard native breeds and local plant varieties’ (Slow Food 2016, para. 1).
There exists numerous videos on YouTube, there are also documentaries that show the mattanza, and archives
of photographs exist for public access in libraries in Sardinia and Sicily. Furthermore, since the declining role
of the tonnare in the Mediterranean as larger fleets came to dominate the industry, tourism based on the tonnare,
including viewing the mattanza, has been promoted widely.
In 2014 these debates continued. The Abbot government placed a ban on all super trawlers over 130 metres,
which the Stop the Trawler Alliance says is missing the point as super trawlers under this length pose just as
much threat (Dec 2014).
65 MSC’s certification is based on the three core sustainability standards. 1/Sustainable fish stock: ‘The fishery
must be at a level which ensures it can continue indefinitely’; 2/Minimising environmental impact: 'Fishing
operations must be managed to maintain structure, productivity, function and diversity of ecosystem’;
3/Effective management: ‘The fishery must comply with relevant laws and have a management system that is
responsive to changing circumstances’ (MSC 2016b). The Friend of the Sea sustainability criteria require: ‘non-
overexploited target stock according to FAO, Regional Fishery Bodies and National Marine Authorities; no
relevant impact on the seabed; selective fishing method (max 8% discards); no bycaught species included in the
IUCN Redlist of endangered species; compliance with legal requirements (incl. TACs, no IUU, no FOC, mesh
size, min size, MPA, etc); energy balance and yearly fuel efficiency improvement; waste management; social
accountability’ (Friend of the Sea 2016).
66 ‘Throw’ refers to the activity of putting the nets into the sea to catch fish.
68 Pseudonym.
70 Although even in the context of the mattanza observers are present and their knowledge and expertise matters
in certain stages of the tonnara.
71 I am aware that the notion of hybridity is based on a reification of the very elements that are hybridised. For
the purpose of my argument I use hybrid to highlight the artificiality and limitations of these binaries in the first
The other occasion I am thinking of was when the day before, on my first day at sea, the tonnarotti were
joking that women were bad luck at sea, or at least this folk knowledge.
Due to ICCAT protocol I was unable to interview the ICCAT observer while in the field. In 2014/2015 I made
contact with senior ICCAT staff to request a response to a series of questions. However, even though they
accepted this request, they never responded to the questions nor to my follow up emails.
Rais of the Portoscuso trap and brother of Luigi.
76 I am using Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of State science but am not situating fisher knowledge within
nomadology, as I am not convinced fisher knowledge should necessarily be characterised as a nomad science.
However, the notion of a State science works well to explore the power relationships between fisher knowledge
and state (EU) fishery policy.
Specific recommendations include: ‘1/ Almadrabas should be assigned an additional scientific quota for the
next 3 years to measure the effects of the recovery plan for Bluefin Tuna. 2/The almadraba technique has been a
fishing technique that has been excluded from any type of subsidy over the previous European Funding period
and we consider that the time has come for this technique to be prioritised for access to new subsidies - for
owners and crews as much as for the technique itself and the associated industry. 3/The Fishery Administrations
of the Member States must comply with Article 17 of the new European Common Fisheries Policy with regards
to the criteria that must be taken into account when establishing fishing quota. 4/ Protection of the inlets where
the almadrabas are set up against possible threats of all types of installations (offshore wind farms, offshore
drilling platforms, aquaculture platforms, etc.) that avoid, prevent or disturb the normal migration route of tuna