Page 34 - KATE_JOHNSTON_2017
P. 34

Giacchino       Ex-rais tonnara di      Ex-rais tonnara di   Favignana,   Italian
               Cataldo         Favignana               Favignana        Sicily
               Clemente V      Ex-tonnarotto tonnara di   Ex-tonnarotto   Favignana,   Italian
                               Favignana               tonnara di       Sicily
               Stefano Donati   Area Marina Protetta delle   Director   Favignana,   Italian (some
                               Isola Egadi                              Sicily      English for
               Vicenzo         Coalma (tinned tuna     Staff            Palermo,    Italian
               Bununa          company)                                 Sicily
               Valentina       Marine Protected Area   Staff            Portofino,   Italian/English
               Cappanera                                                Liguria
               Rosario         Pescaturismo            Pescaturismo     Favignana,
                                                       operator/owner   Sicily
               Lucia           Community member        Ex factory worker  Favignana,   Italian/dialect
               Favignana                               tonnara di       Sicily      (interview not
                                                       Favignana                    used).
               Natale Amaroso                          Entrepreneur/    Trapani,    Italian
                                                       owner            Sicily
               Stefano Briola
               Not identified   Pescaria stella Maris,   Unknown        Favignana,   Italian
                               Favignana                                Sicily
               Not identified   Pescador, Trattoria    Unknown          Favignana,   Italian
               Giorgia Monti   Greenpeace, Italy       Ocean            Rome,       English
                                                       Campaigner       Lazio
               Nathaniel       Greenpeace, Australia   Ocean            Sydney,     English
               Pelle-Savage                            Campaigner       Australia
                               Greenpeace, Japan       Ocean            Tokyo,      English
                                                       Campaigner       Japan
               Patrick Caleo   Marine Stewardship      Director Oceania   Sydney,   English
                               Council                 (check)          Australia

               Thesis Structure

               This  thesis  is  structured  to  provide  a  theoretical  overview  and  to  build  a  historical  and

               regulatory framework of sustainability in the first half (chapters 1-3). In the second half this

               thesis draws from and examines my empirical research (chapters 4-6). That said I often cross

               theory  and  empirical  material.  Furthermore,  while  it  might  be  easy  to  assume  that  the

               structure of this thesis lends itself to a scalar trajectory from the global to the local, most of

               my empirical encounters complicate this division and describe the complex and networked

               relationships at play.  Anna Tsing’s ethnography of global connection captures this approach

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