Page 9 - KATE_JOHNSTON_2017
P. 9


               0.1 Table of interviewee details

               CHAPTER 1
               1.1 Collection of tinned tuna.
               1.2 Map of San Pietro and Favignana, adapted from Google Satellite (2016).
               1.3 Map of San Pietro and Favignana in relation to Sardinia and Sicily. Map adapted from
               Google Satellite (2016).
               1.4 Coles eco tin.
               1.5 The tonnara system used in Sardinia adapted from Addis et al. (2014, p. 591).
               1.6 Florio’s cannery (Favignana 2016).
               1.7 A still from video (Manni 2012, 5 min ) Ex Stabilimento Florio delle Tonnare di Favignana e
               Formica. Men assembling tins.
               1.8 ‘Foto di Ex Stabilimento Florio delle Tonnare di Favignana e Formica: le donne si
               occupavano dell'inscatolamento del tonno’ [Photo of the former factory of Florio of the
               Tonnare of Favignana and Formica: the women took care of canning the tuna] (Trip Advisor
               1.9 Cannery (Malman, Los Angeles Times). Women appear to be sorting fillets to prepare
               them for canning.
               1.10 Screenshot from the website homepage (Reel Fish Co. 2016).
               1.11 Screenshot from Greenpeace International website 'Pole and Line: A Fisherman's Tale'
               1.12 Screenshot from Greenpeace International website 'Pole and Line: A Fisherman's Tale'

               CHAPTER 2

               CHAPTER 3
               3.1 Bretherton Diagram (Fox 2016).
               3.2 Path to sustainable development (CS Odessa Corp 2016, p. 1).
               3.3 Knowledge circulation. Diagram by author.

               CHAPTER 4
               4.1Panel of judges at the Giro di Tonno festival 2013. Image by author.
               4.2 Giro di Tonno stalls depicting tonnarotti making nets (left) and tonnarotti making
               preserved bottarga.  Image by author.
               4.3 Chef demonstrates the art of breaking down tuna at the Giro di Tonno. Image by author.
               4.4 Greenpeace flyer with sub-headings reading: ‘Indiscriminate fishing? There is. A history?
               There is. 80% of the stock? Missing’ (Greenpeace Italy n.d.).
               4.5 Bluefin tuna (Press 2014).
               4.6 Bluefin ranches (Panoramio 2008).
               4.7 Spawning Stock Biomass (ICCAT 2015)
               4.8 Tonnarotti pulling in the net 'wall' of la camera della morta. Rais Etero in the centre calling

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