Page 11 - KATE_JOHNSTON_2017
P. 11


               Abbreviation           Meaning
               ABFT                   Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
               AFMA                   Australian Fishery Management Authority
               AMCS                   Australian Marine Conservation Society
               AMP                    Area Marina Protetta (Italian for MPA)
               CFP                    Common Fishery Policy
               CITES                  Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species
               CITES                  Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
               CP                     Contracting Party
               CPUE                   Catch Per Unit Effort
               EEZ                    Exclusive Economic Zones
               FAD                    Fish Aggregation Device
               FAO                    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
               ICCAT                  International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
               ITQ                    Individual Transferable Quota
               IUCN                   International Union for Conservation of Nature
               MIPAAF                 Italian Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forest Policy (delete from
                                      text, not Italian translation.
               MPA                    Marine Protected Area
               MSC                    Marine Stewardship Council
               MSY                    Maximum Sustainable Yield
               PETA                   People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
               SSB                    Spawning Stock Biomass
               TAC                    Total Allowable Catch
               UN                     United Nations
               UNCLOS                 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas
               UNESCO                 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
               WWF                    World Wildlife Foundation

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