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Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 3 (2015) 398–407

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        A submerged monolith in the Sicilian Channel (central Mediterranean
        Sea): Evidence for Mesolithic human activity

        Emanuele Lodolo ⁎, Zvi Ben-Avraham   b,c
         Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Trieste, Italy
         Department of Earth Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Israel
         Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel
        article      i nfo               abstract

        Article history:                 The ancient geography of the Mediterranean Basin was profoundly changed by the increase in sea level following
        Received 26 April 2015           the Last Glacial Maximum. This global event has led to the retreat of the coastlines, especially in lowland areas
        Received in revised form 1 July 2015  and shallow shelves, such as the Sicilian Channel. The NW sector of this shelf, known as Adventure Plateau, is
        Accepted 4 July 2015
                                         studded by isolated shoals mostly composed of Late Miocene carbonate rocks and by some volcanic edifices.
        Available online xxxx
                                         These shoals, until at least the Early Holocene, formed an archipelago of several islands separated by stretches
                                         of extremely shallow sea. One of these submerged features – the Pantelleria Vecchia Bank – located 60 km
                                         south of Sicily, has been extensively surveyed using geophysical and geological methods. It is composed of two
        Sicilian Channel
        Shallow banks                    main shoals, connected seaward by a rectilinear ridge which encloses an embayment. Here we present morpho-
        High-resolution bathymetry       logical evidence, underwater observations, and results of petrographic analysis of a man-made, 12 m long mono-
        Underwater surveys               lith resting on the sea-floor of the embayment at a water depth of 40 m. It is broken into two parts, and has three
        Petrographic analysis            regular holes: one at its end which passes through from part to part, the others in two of its sides. The monolith is
        Radiometric ages                 composed of calcirudites of Late Pleistocene age, as determined from radiocarbon measurements conducted on
        Submerged monolith               several shell fragments extracted from the rock samples. The same age and composition characterize the
        Mesolithic human activity
                                         metre-size blocks forming the rectilinear ridge. The rest of the rocks composing the shoals are mostly Tortonian
                                         limestones–sandstones, as revealed by their fossil content. Extrapolating ages from the local sea level curve, we
                                         infer that seawater inundated the inner lands at 9350 ± 200 year B.P., the upper limit which can be reasonably
                                         taken for the site abandonment. This discovery provides evidence for a significant Mesolithic human activity in
                                         the Sicilian Channel region.
                                                                                          © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

        1. Introduction                                      the northern Adriatic, and the Tunisia and Malta platforms. The Sicilian
                                                             Channel is geologically part of the northern African continental shelf
          An abundant number of archaeological and geological data ac-  (Fig. 1) and lies mostly under shallow water, with the exception of
        quired in several coastal areas of the Mediterranean Basin represent  three NW-trending, relatively deep troughs (the Pantelleria, Malta and
        the evidence that it has undergone major changes in sea level during  Linosa grabens) produced since the Early Pliocene by rift-related pro-
        the glacial-interglacial cycles (e.g., Lambeck and Chappell, 2001;  cesses (e.g., Reuther and Eisbacher, 1985; Boccaletti et al., 1987; Cello,
        Lambeck and Purcell, 2005; Antonioli et al., 2009; Auriemma and  1987; Civile et al., 2010). This tectonic extension was also responsible
        Solinas, 2009). After the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), around  of the formation of the two volcanic islands of Pantelleria and Linosa,
        19,000 year B.P., when the land area of Europe was ~40% larger  and other submerged volcanic edifices lying along the eastern margin
        than it is now, a relatively abrupt global rise in sea-level took place,  of the Adventure Plateau (Calanchi et al., 1989; Rotolo et al., 2006;
        estimated to be of 125 ± 5 m, as determined by correcting observed  Lodolo et al., 2012). It occupies the north-western sector of the Sicilian
        sea-level changes for glacio-hydro-isostatic contributions (e.g., Fleming  Channel, where available oil exploratory wells have shown that the sed-
        et al., 1998; Mix et al., 2001; Siddall et al., 2003; Lambeck et al., 2004;  imentary sequence ranges from Triassic to Plio-Quaternary, with vari-
        Clark et al., 2009).                                 ous hiatuses associated with long periods of aerial exposition and/or
          The Sicilian Channel is one of the shallow shelves of the central Med-  erosion (Civile et al., 2014). The Adventure Plateau is the shallowest
        iterranean region where the consequences of changing sea-level were  part of the entire Sicilian Channel, and is punctuated by several isolated
        most dramatic and intense, as also occurred in part of the Aegean Sea,  banks, some of them rising up to less than 10 m below sea level
                                                             (Colantoni et al., 1985). During the LGM, the Adventure Plateau was
         ⁎ Corresponding author.                             part of the former Sicily mainland, forming a peninsula (the Adventure
          E-mail address: (E. Lodolo).  Peninsula) bulging towards south into the Sicilian Channel, and
        2352-409X/© 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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