Page 5 - Lodolo_Ben-Avraham_2015
P. 5

402                         E. Lodolo, Z. Ben-Avraham / Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 3 (2015) 398–407

                           Fig. 4. Underwater composite photographs taken from divers, showing the discovered monolith and some details.

          Samples 4 and 7 are mudstones taken at the top of the western shoal  from the top of the semi-circular ridges. Sample 5 was taken at a water
        of the PVB at a 27 m water depth and at the top of the eastern shoal of  depth of 35 m; samples 3A, 8A and 9A were taken at water depth of
        the PVB at a 22 m water depth, respectively. These samples contain cal-  34 m. All of the rocks are bioclastic limestones containing cemented lit-
        careous sponges, bryozoans and fragments of molluscs, planktonic and  tle clasts (size generally between 0.5 and 2 mm) and bioclasts, compris-
        benthic foraminifera, indicating a patch-reef depositional environment.  ing some well-preserved benthic foraminifera. In addition, there are
        Rock samples 5, 3A, 8A, and 9A have been taken in the embayment area  abundant fragments of gastropods, corals and molluscs. Sample 6 was
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