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                      Transformation  none  none  none  none  none  none  none  ln(Y)  ln(Y)  none  none  none  none  none  none  none  (Continues)

                   Heteroscedasticity  test  none  none  none  none  none  none  test Cochran  test Cochran  test Cochran  test Cochran  test Cochran  none  none  none  none  none

                   Normality  test  none  none  none  none  none  none  none  none  none  none  none  none  none  none  none  none

                           time  time   time       from  time  from  time  from  time  time  time  time  time
                         Cross-sections  over repeated  Cross-sections  over repeated  Cross-section  Cross-sections  over  repeated  Cross-section  Cross-section  Sub-sampling  cross-sections  over repeated  Sub-sampling  cross-sections  over repeated  Cross-section  Cross-section  Sub-sampling  cross-sections  over repeated  Cross-sections  over repeated  Cross-sections  over repeated  Cross-section  Cross-sections  over  repeated  Cross-sections  over repeated


              growth  models  (one-way  (two-way  (one-way  (one-way  (nested  (one-way  (nested  (nested  (nested  (one-way  (one-way  (one-way

              oceanica  methods  Model  Model  Model  Model  Model  test)  Model  Model  ANOVA–BACI)  Model  Model  Model  Model  Model  analysis  Model  Model  Model  (one/two-way

              P.   Statistical  Linear  (correlation)  Linear  ANOVA)  Linear  ANOVA)  Linear  ANOVA)  Linear  (Tukey  Linear  ANOVA)  Linear  Linear  ANOVA)  Linear  ANOVA)  Linear  ANOVA)  Linear  ANOVA)  Linear  ANOVA)  Cluster  Linear  ANOVA)  Linear  ANOVA)  Linear  ANOVA)
              on      and

              the     variable        Production                                         Production
              in         Growth  Growth  Growth  Growth  Growth  Growth  Growth  Growth  Growth  Growth  Growth  Growth  Growth  Growth
              used    Response  Rhizome  Rhizome  Rhizome  Rhizome  Rhizome  Rhizome  Rhizome  Production  Rhizome  Rhizome  Rhizome  Production  Rhizome  Rhizome  Production  Rhizome  Rhizome  Rhizome  Rhizome  Production

              methods                                and               and        and              and

              models     (1984)  Pergent-Martini  al.  1997          (2004)

              Statistical  al.  et  (1992)  al.  et  Duarte,  (1999)  al.  (2001)  Vallerini  (2003)  al.  al.  et  (2004)  al.  (2005)  al.  (2005)  al.  (2005)  al.  (2005)  al.  (2005)

              1.      References  Boudouresque  and  et  Pergent-Martini  ´  and  et  and  et  Loggia  et  et  et  et  et  al.  et
              Table          Pergent  (1990)  Meinesz  (1994)  Marba  Delgado  Guidetti  Balestri  (2003)  Balestri  La  Balestri  Lorenti  Peirano  Cancemi  Mayot  Buia

   Copyright ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  Environmetrics 2011; 22: 370–382
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