Page 4 - Lovison_alii_2010
P. 4


                  Transformation  needed  not  none  none  none  none  ln(Y þ 1)  none  ln(Y þ 1)  specified  Not

                Heteroscedasticity  test  needed  not  none  none  none  none  test Cochran  test Cochran  test Cochran  test  Levene

                Normality  test  needed  not  none  none  none  none  none  none  none  none

                            time  over  time  over

            (Continued)  Design  Longitudinal  Cross-sections  repeated  Cross-section  Cross-sections  repeated  Cross-section  Cross-section  Cross-section  Cross-section  Cross-section

            Table         (BACI)  (one-way  (two-way  ANOVA)  (one-way  (nested
                models    ANOVA  Model  Model  Mixed  Model  Model  Model  Model  Model

                Statistical  methods  and  GLMM  Nested  Linear  ANOVA)  Linear  ANOVA)  Multilevel  Linear  Linear  (Multifactorial  Linear  ANOVA)  Linear  ANOVA)  Linear

                  variable  Growth  Production  Growth  growth  growth  production  growth  production  growth  production  growth  production  growth  production  growth  production

                  Response  Rhizome  and  Rhizome  Rhizome  Rhizome  and  Rhizome  and  Rhizome  and  Rhizome  and  Rhizome  and  Rhizome  and

                      (2006)  (2006)  al.  (2006)  al.  (2006)  al.  (2007)  al.  et  al.  et  (2007)  al.  al.  et  (2009)  al.  et

                  References  al.  et  Calvo  ´  et  Marba  et  Sghaier  et  Flagella  Tomasello  Gonzalez-Correa  ´  (2007b)  et Cigliano  Gonzalez-Correa  ´  (2008)  Tomasello

           Environmetrics 2011; 22: 370–382  Copyright ß 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  373
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