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The Science of the Total Environment 165  (1995)  23-31

                  Observations  on mucus aggregates along Sicilian  coasts
                                            during  1991-1992

                                    S. Calve*,  R. Barone,  L. Naselli  Flores

               Laboratorio   di  Ecologia  Acquatica,   Dipartimento   di  Scienze  Botaniche   dell’Universit&   via  Archirafi,   38-90123   Palenno,  Italy


            The  results of some observations  on gelatinous  material  accumulating  on  the sea ground  and free floating  in  the
          water column  along  Sicilian  coasts are reported.  The  phenomenon  showed different  development  patterns  moving
          from  the  Tyrrherian  to  the  Jonian  coast and  to  the  Sicilian  Channel.  Moreover,  in  1991, mucus aggregates in  the
          Tyrrhenian  sea showed a similar  structure,  behaviour  and origin  to  those observed in  the  Adriatic  sea, whereas, in
           1992, only  a massive growth of metaphytic  threadlike  algae, more  or less producing  gelatinous  sheaths, occurred.

          Keywords:  Mucus  aggregates; Metaphyton;  Tyrrherian  coast; Sicilian  coast

           1. Introduction                                  During  July  and  August  1991  probably  all  the
                                                          Western  basin  of  the  Mediterranean   Sea  was the
            The  periodic  summer  development   of  mucus   scene  of  a  massive  development  of  mucus  aggre-
           aggregates  along  Tyrrherian   coasts,  often  occur-   gates.  This  phenomenon   along  the  Sicilian-Tyrr-
          ring  from  the  eulittoral   zone  to  the  deeper  sea   herian  coast  almost  completely   stopped  fishing
          bottom,  has  been  known  for  a  long  time  (In-   activities  and  was the  cause of  a preoccupation  in
          namorati,  1992).                               public  opinion  because  of  the  analogous,  even
            Along  the  Sicilian  coast  particularly,   this  pres-   though  wider,  case  in  the  Adriatic   Sea  (Fonda
          ence  is  confirmed  by  many  dialectal  words  com-   Umani  et  al.,  1989;  Stachowitsch  et  al.,  1990).
          monly  used  by  local  fishermen  to  indicate  both   Preliminary   observations  on  both  benthic  and
           the  aggregates  laying  on  the  sea ground  (‘lippu’,   pelagic  mucus  aggregates  in  the  Tyrrherian   sea
          ‘sbromu’)   and  those  free  floating  in  the  water   are  reported  by  many  authors  (Calve  et  al.,  1991;
          column  (‘acquazza’).                           Diviacco,  1992;  Giaccone,  1992;  Innamorati,   1992;
                                                          Rinaldi,  1992;  Sartoni  and  Sonni,  1992)
                                                            In  this  paper  we present  our  observations  car-
            *Corresponding author.                        ried  out  along  the  north-western   and  southern

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