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S. Calvo et al. /Science  of  the Total  Environment  165  (1995) 23-31   31

           and  origin  to  those  reported  in  the  Adriatic  Sea,   osservazioni  sulla  presenza  di  aggregati  mucosi  lung0  le
           occurred  both  free  floating  in  the  water  column   caste  siciliane.  Ambiente  2000,  Ed.  Arbor,  Palermo,  5:
           and  laying  on  the  sea bottom,  only  along  Tyrrhe-   Diviacco,  G.,  1992.  Aggregati  gelatinosi  in  Mar  Tirreno  du-
           rian  coast.                                      rante  Testate  1991: indagini  s&la  presenza  e sull’evoluzione
             The  Jonian  coast  and  Sicilian  Channel  were   de1 fenomeno.  Quademi  dell’Accademia  Intemazionale  di
           affected,  in  1991,  by  a massive  growth  of  thread-   Scienze  e Tecniche  Subaquee  Ustica,  9: 19-31.
           like  algae  mostly  dominated  by  Ectocarpaceae.   Fonda  Umani,  S., E.  Ghirardelli  e  and  M.  Specchi,  1989.  il
             Amorphous   mucus  aggregates  did  not  occur   fenomeno  de1 “mare  sporco”  nell’Adriatico.  In:  A.  Bram-
           along  all  of  the  Sicilian  coasts  during  summer   bati  (Ed.),  Cons&ho  Nazionale  delle  ricerche,  Progetto
                                                             Strategico  Oceanografia  e Tecnologie  Marine,  pp.  37-42.
           1992.  Moreover,  a  massive  growth  of  metaphytic   Giaccone,  G.,  1992.  Nematotalli  algali  mucillaginogeni   sulle
           filamentous  algae  was observed.                 caste  della  Sicilia  e  delle  sue  isole  rninori.  Quaderni
             The  cause  of  the  development  of  mucus  aggre-   dell’Accademia  Intemazionale   di  Scienze  e Tecniche  Sub-
           gates  along  the  Tyrrherian  coast,  in  our  opinion,   aquee  Ustica,  9: 9-18.
           should  have  investigated  both  with  regard  to  the   Giaccone,  G. and  M.  Sortino,  1965. Flora  e vegetazione  algale
                                                             dell’lsola  delle  Femmine.  Lav.  Lst.  Bot.  Giard.  Col.,
           peculiar  climatic  conditions  of  1991  and  to  the   Palermo,  21:  140-164.
           welling-up  phenomena,   which  caused  an  addit-   Hemdl,  G.J.  and  P.  Peduui,  1988.  The  ecology of  amorphus
           ional  nutrient  supply  to  these  waters.       aggregations  (marine  snow)  in  the  Northern  Adriatic  Sea: I.
                                                             General  considerations.  P.S.Z.N.I.  Mar.  Ecol.,  9, 1: 79-80.
           Acknowledgements                                Innamorati,  M.,  1992.  Mucillagini   e  fitoplancton.  Quademi
                                                             dell’Accademia  Intemazionale  di  Scienze  e  Tecniche  Sub-
                                                             aquee  Ustica,  9: 61-80.
             We  wish  to  thank  the  ‘Comando   Stazione   Riebesell,  U.,  1992. The  formation  of large  marine  snow  and
           Navale’  -   Guardia  di  Finanza  of  Palermo  for   its sustained  residence  in surface waters.  Limnol.  Oceanogr.,
           their  helpful  and  constant  assistance  in  the  field   37,  1: 63-76.
           work;  Dr.  R.  Randazzo  and  Mr.  S. Torregrossa  of   Rinaldi,  A.,  1992.  Aggregati  mucillaginosi  nei  mari  italiani.
           the  Sea  Sub  of Sciacca  for  the  help  offered  during   Quademi  dell’Accademia  Intemazionale  di  Scienze  e Tec-
           sampling.                                         niche  Subacquee  Ustica,  9: 47-60.
                                                           Sartoni,  G.  and  C. Sonni,  1992.  Tribonema  marinum  J. Feld-
                                                             mann  e  Acinetospora  crinita  (Carmichael)  Sauvageau  nelle
           References                                        formazioni  mucillaginose  bentoniche  osservate  sulle  caste
                                                             toscane  nell’estate  1991.  Quademi  dell’Accademia  Inter-
           Alldredge,  A.L.  and  M.W.  Silver,  1988.  Characteristics,  dy-   nazionale  di Scienze  e Tecniche  Subaquee  Ustica, 9: 37-46.
             namics  and  significance  of  marine  snow.  Prog.  Oceanogr.,   Stachowitsch,  M.,  N.  Fanuko  and  M.  Richter,  1990.  Mucus
             20: 41-82.                                      aggregates  in  the  Adriatic  sea:  an  overview  of  stages and
           Calve,  S.,  R.  Barone  and  L.  Naselli  Flores,  1991.  Prime   occurrences.  P.S.Z.N.I.  Mar.  Ecol.,  ll(4):  327-350.
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