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30                     S.  Calvo  et  al.  /Science   of  the  Total  Environment   165  (1995)  23-31


                           Chl a IrOn)            P-PO4      N-NH4      N-NO2      N-NO3
           Fig.  10. Mean  chlorophyll  a,  total  phosphorus  and  nutrient  concentrations  during  the  spring  and  summer  of  1992  at  the  Sciacca

           ible  nowadays  to  explain  the  mechanisms  underly-   Messina  Strait  effects,  respectively,  were  not  in-
           ing  the  peculiar  phenomenon   of  amorphous  ag-   volved  by  mucus  aggregate  development.
           gregates  in  the  summer  of  1991.             An  additional   nutrient   enrichment   of  the
             We  suppose  that  amorphous  mucus  aggregates   Tyrrherian  sea due  to  welling-up  phenomena,  sti-
           had  a  pelagic  origin  like  those  reported  in  the   mulating  phytoplanktonic   growth,  as suggested  by
           Adriatic  Sea (Stachowitch  et  al.,  1990).  Their  high   satellite  images  (Fresi,  E.,  pers.  commun.),  may
           sinking  rates  (Alldredge  and  Silver,  1988)  cause  a   be  proposed.
           deposition   on  the  sea  bottom  commonly   colo-   As a whole,  the  causes and  the  origins  concern-
           nized  in  the  summer  season  by  metaphytic  Ecto-   ing  mucus  aggregates  should  be  investigated  with
           carpaceae.                                     regard  to  the  entire  western  Mediterranean   basin.
             Sunken  mucus  aggregates  could  represent  a   A  general  investigation,  involving  all  the  different
          coagulation   inoculum   site  for  mucillagineous   research  groups  working  in  the  marine  biology
           products  of benthic  organisms,  together  forming  a   field,  must  be  planned  in  order  to  provide  a  real
           thicker  layer  and  a  peculiar  habitat.  In  these   understanding   of  the  mechanisms  underlying  the
           microcosms  the  activity  of  autotrophic   and  het-   phenomenon  of  mucus  aggregates.
           erotrophic   organisms   can  be  closely  linked,
          thereby  providing  mutual  benefits.           5.  Summary
             Riebesell  (1992)  reports  that  high  phytoplank-
          ton  cell  concentrations   and  low  wind-induced   Mucus  aggregates,  covering  a large  area  of  the
          mixing  of  the  water  column  have  to  occur  to   sea  bottom,  were  observed  along  Sicilian  coasts
          favour  the  formation   of  large  macroflocs  and   during  the  summer  of  1991.  This  phenomenon
          stringers.                                      caused,  especially  along  the  Tyrrherian   coast,  a
             Thus,  the  development   of  mucus  aggregates   cessation  of  fishing  activities  because  of  the  clog-
          was  probably  supported,  during  the  summer  of   ging  of  nets.
           1991,  by  the  low  hydrodynamism   in  the  T)rrhe-   The  phenomenon   showed  different   develop-
           nian  sea due  to  the  particular  climatic  conditions.   ment  patterns  along  the  various  Sicilian  coasts
           On  the  other  hand,  the  Sicilian  Channel  and  the   subjected  to  different  hydrodynamics.  Amorphous
           Jonian  Sea,  subjected  to  Atlantic  currents  and  to   mucus  aggregates,  showing  a  similar  behaviour
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