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S. Caluo  et al. /Science  of  the Total  Environment  165 (1995~23-31   29

                                                          branch  of  the  Atlantic   current  in  the  Sicilian
                                                            Also,  mean  summer  values  of  nutrient  concen-
                                                          tration  (Fig.  9),  measured  in  1992  in  the  Isola
                                                          delle  Femmine   station,  showed  a  summer  in-
                                                          crease  more  marked  than  off  Sciacca  (Fig.  10).
                                                          This  is  probably  due  to  the  higher  summer  popu-
                                                          lation  density  on  Tyrrherian  coast.
            14   .  .  ,.  .  .   ,  . .  *.   .  .   ,.,   ,  .   .  ,  ,   .
              0       10     20      30     40      50
                               DEPTH  Iml                 4. Discussion
          Fig.  8.  Thermal  profiles  recorded  at  the  Isola  delle  Femmine
          station  both  during  the  summers  of 1991 and  1992, and  at  the
          Sciacca station  during  the  summer  of  1992.   The  results  of  observations  carried  out  along
                                                          the  Tyrrherian   coast  of  Sicily  show  that  amor-
                                                          phous  mucus  aggregates,  manifesting   similar
          gates;  with  only  a bloom  of Ectocarpaceae  showing   characteristics  to  these  in  the  Adriatic  sea, were
          thick  gelatinous  sheaths  being  observed  (Fig.  7).   widely  present  only  during  the  summer  of  1991.
            As  reported  by  Giaccone  (pers.  commun.),   a   This  phenomenon   did  not  re-occur  in  1992.
          massive  growth  of  Ectocarpaceae  occurred  along   On  the  contrary,  in  our  opinion,  the  pheno-
          the  Jonian  coast,  although  of  a  minor  intensity   mena  of  threadlike   algae  mucus  aggregates  re-
          compared  to  1991.                             ported  along  the  Jonian  coast  and  Sicilian  Chan-
            The  analysis  of  thermal   profiles   (Fig.  8)   nel  during  the  summer  of  1991,  rather  than  those
          recorded  in  the  Isola  delle  Femmine  station  shows   from  Adriatic  locations,  should  be  compared  to
          significant  temperature  differences  within  the  first   those  reported  by  Sartoni  and  Sonni  (1992)  for
           15  m  of  depth  between  August  1991,  character-   the  northern  Tuscany  coast.  Moreover,  in  1992,
          ized  by  colder  water,  and  August  1992.  The  low   there  was a decrease  in  the  growth  of  filamentous
          temperature   values  recorded  offshore  from  Sci-   algae  compared  to  the  previous  year.
          acca  are  related  to  the  influence  of  the  southern   At  the  present  time,  only  hypotheses  are  poss-

                         I                                                                 I

                                                                      0.08   ‘12
                           Chl  a  &g/l)   PT     P-PO4      N-NH4      N-NO2      N-NO3
           Fig.  9.  Mean  chlorophyll  a,  total  phosphorus  and  nutrient  concentrations  during  the  spring  and  summer  of  1992 at the  Isola  delle
           Femmine  station.
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