Page 6 - Observations_1995
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2x                    S. Calve et al. /Science  of the Total  Environment  165 (1995)  23-31

                               Fig. 6.  Metaphytic  Cladophoraceae  laying  on  the sea bottom  seaweeds.

           and  no  mucus  aggregates,  neither  free  floating   growth  of  threadlike  algae,  more  01  I  less  produc-
           nor  laying  on  the  sea bottom,  were observed.  As  a   ing  gelatinous  sheaths,  occurred.
           whc )le,  during  the  summer  of  1992,  a  different   The  observations  carried  out  in  the  summer
           Phe  nomenon   took  place  along  the  Tyrrherian   1992,  on  the  rocky  banks  offshore  from  Sciacca
           coa; st:  instead  of  mucus  aggregates,  a  massive   (Sicilian  Channel),  also  revealed  no  mutt  1s aggre-

                  Fig. 7.  Metaphytic  Ectocarpaceae  covering  benthic  organisms  growing  on the  rocky banks  offshore fom Sciacca.
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