Page 109 - Panuccio2012
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Southbound direction of colonization of Short-toed Snake Eagle

al. 2002a, b, Panuccio et al. 2011). Since birds        Rappole 2005). Rappole & Jones (2002) provide
breeding in Italy cross the sea at the Strait of        evidences that most of actual migrants descend
Gibraltar, in spring they reach the Country about       from tropical residents species, in particular for
1000 km NW of southern regions of the Peninsula         the Paleartic-African migration system: 42 of
via southern France. As suggested by a previous         185 species of migrants (23%) have conspecific
research (Agostini and Mellone 2008), the actual        populations that breed in the Tropics while 139
distribution in Italy probably reflects the particular  (75%) have Tropical-breeding congeners. Among
migration path used by this population and agree        snake eagles (Circaetus spp.) only the Short-toed
with the hypothesis that Short-toed Snake Eagles        Snake Eagle is a complete migrant species while
are still colonizing the country moving from north      the other five species (Beaudouin’s Snake Eagle,
to south of the peninsula mostly along its western      C. beaudouini, Black-chested Snake Eagle, C.
slope.                                                  pectoralis, Brown Snake Eagle, C. cinereus, East
These considerations lead us to further questions:      African Snake Eagle, C. fasciolatus, Banded Snake
from where the Short-toed Eagle is colonizing           Eagle, C. cinerascens) live in tropical Africa and
the Italian peninsula? Which is the original range      are mainly resident (Ferguson-Lees and Christie
distribution of Short-toed Snake Eagle? These are       2001). However it is hard to generalize a model
topics linked to the origin of the Paleartic-African    like the southern-home theory since birds show a
migration system and of migration itself. Among         continuous adaptation of their migratory behavior
hypotheses concerning the origin of migrations,         according to the change of resource availability
authors mostly agree that birds started to migrate      (Bruderer & Salewski 2008). In fact the current
from tropical to temperate areas (Alerstam 1990,        migratory system evolved starting about 15000
Safriel 1995, Rappole 1995, Rappole and Jones           years ago at the end of the last glaciation and is still
2002, Berthold 2001, Böhning-Gaese & Oberrath           evolving while the consequence of this process is
2003, Jahn et al. 2004). In this picture migration      not predictable (Berthold 2001). Rappole & Jones
is an adaptation of tropical birds to use seasonal      (2002) proposed a mechanism for the evolution of
abundant resources in temperate regions in order        long distance migration, via gradual colonization
to optimize breeding success or to avoid seasonal       at the edge of the breeding range furthest from
resource depression (Alerstam 1990, Alerstam et         the wintering area, with populations on the edges
al 2003, Rappole 1995, Rappole & Jones 2002).           more exposed to extinction risk. In this picture,
Alerstam and Enckell (1979) indicate competition        we suggest that the Italian population of the
in Africa savannas during the breeding season as        Short-toed Snake Eagles should be considered
the prerequisite for the evolution of the Paleartic-    as part of a metapopulation comprising those
African migration system. In any case glaciations       of Western Europe (France, Spain). Moreover,
were events of paramount importance in the              within the Italian population, small and isolated
evolution of migrations. During glacial ages the        populations of southern Italy could be considered
earth surface available for birds species drastically   as small patches of this metapopulation system cut
decreased (Moreau 1972). In particular since the        off from the bulk of the population of Western
northern polar front shifted south, temperate           Europe. It is interesting to note that several studies
forests and bush vegetation reduced into small          clearly show that isolation could lead small and
shelter, moreover the range extension of tundra,        periphery patches to local extinction, although
deserts and steppes reduced the Mediterranean           such evidence is not always found (Lomolino et
and the tropical vegetation to a minimum                al. 1989, Peltonen & Hanski 1991, Hanski et al.
(Hooghiemstra et al. 2006, Bruderer & Salewski          1995, Whitcomb et al. 1996, Smith & Gilpin
2008). During interglacial periods (like the one        1997, Thomas & Hanski 1997, Hanski 1998,
we are living into) original species split in the so-   Dunham & Rieman 1999, Clinchy et al. 2002,
called twins species, distinctly sedentary, partially   Wahlberg et al. 2002). In agreement with this
migrants and completely migrants (Berthold 2001,        conclusion, historical data confirm that the species

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