Page 105 - Panuccio2012
P. 105

Southbound direction of colonization of Short-toed Snake Eagle

Where n is the total number of observations.            software gives good results also when working
We carried out a first set of models testing different  with small samples (Pearson et al. 2007) as in our
combination of variables and subsequently we            case, and it’s considered to be particularly effective
performed again the same runs but in this case          among those similarly available (Guisan et al.
with the exclusion of geographical variable             2007). 10010 points were used to determine the
“Y_CENTR” to delete the effect of latitude              Maxent distribution (backgrounds and presence
in the explanation of species preferences. At           points).
the end we obtained a value of probability of           Results
presence comprising between 0 and 1 for each            Variables that were not correlated inside the same
cell that varies depending on the model and we          group of variables and those we used to run the
used this difference to compare model including         logistic regression are showed in Table 2. Best
“Y_CENTR” and the same model without this               model (Model A) reached the lower value of AICc
variable.                                               (432,46) comprising 9 variables (Tab. 3). This
In a second phase of this work we generated             model reached an overall value of correct percentage
a map of habitat suitability for the species with       of 77,7% (84,1% for absence and 64,9% for
Maxent software (Phillips & Dudík 2008)                 presence). AUC value of ROC curve is 0,848. We
using presence-only data. For this analysis we          tested the same model without latitudinal value;
used exact localization of nests (n=10) and four        this second model (Model B) showed a higher
environmental variables in raster format with a         AICc value (453,02) and comprised 8 variables
spatial resolution of 250x250 meters. Variables         (Tab. 3). This model reached an overall value of
used in this analysis were: Corine land cover           correct percentage of 74,5% (81,5% for absence
2000 (level III), Elevation (mean altitude of raster    and 60,4% for presence), AUC value of ROC
pixel), Aspect (mean exposure of raster pixel) and      curve is 0,824. Using the results of these two
Slope (mean grade line of raster pixel). Raster         models we realized two different distribution maps
files were performed with ESRI ArcMap 9.2 from          of suitability. Considering Model A that includes
same CLC layer and DEM used in RegLog but in            latitude as a variable, the potential distribution of
this case we didn’t group any land cover category       Short-toed Snake Eagles is restricted to central and
because analysis scale was lower. Use of Maxent         northern Italy (Fig. 2). Differently the Model B,
was preferred in this kind of analysis because this

Table 2 - Variables used to perform logistic regression.

Category                                                  Variables

                       Proportion of meadows and pastures

                       Proportion of crops and orchards

LAND USE               Proportion of Forests

                       (Proportion of Forests)2

                       Proportion of Shrubs

 AVAILABILITY OF PREY  Number of reptile species (Snakes and Lizards)
  OF ENVIRONMENTAL     Mean Patch Fractal Dimension
ELEMENTS (LAND USE –   (Mean Patch Fractal Dimension)2
                       Mean Altitude
    PATCH ANALYSIS)    (Mean Altitude)2


GEOGRAPHY              Latitude

   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110