Page 103 - Panuccio2012
P. 103

Southbound direction of colonization of Short-toed Snake Eagle

located over three “zones” of 6 degrees in latitude,    using personal observations about nest location.
at the transition from one zone to another the          In the atlas the presence of species in each sample
grid has a compression and rotation of squares so       unit is listed in three ways: certain, probable and
some of them (less than 5% of the total) have an        possible. In this study we considered only the first
area less than 10 Km2. To avoid effects due to the      two categories to assign a value of presence. In
difference in size among cells, we used variables       most case the grid used in the atlas is the same we
that are not dependent on the cell surface but that     used, when atlas’ grid was smaller than ours, we
referred to them in terms of percentage coverage.       assign presence value to our cell if at least one of
The same grid was used in the atlas of reptiles and     the atlas cell was comprised in our sampling units.
amphibians of Italy (Sindaco et al. 2006) we used       At the end of data collecting we had 94 cells with
to test prey availability (reptiles species richness).  presence data.

Presence data of Short-toed Eagle                       Predictive variables:
Short-toed Snake Eagle presence data was obtained       At first we considered 30 environment variables
by consulting several atlas of bird distribution        grouped into 5 categories (Tab. 1): land use,
in some Italian regions (Fig. 1, Mingozzi et al.        availability of prey, spatial distribution of
1988, Frassinet & Kalby 1989, Brichetti & Fasola        environmental elements (patch analysis),
1990, Meschini & Frugis 1993, G.V.S.O. Nisoria          geomorphology, geography (latitude and
1994, Boano et al. 1995, Ravasini 1995, Tellini         longitude). Variables representing the land use
Florenzano et al. 1997, Bon et al. 1999, Gellini &      were obtained by Corinne Land Cover 2000 to
Ceccarelli 2000, Fracasso et al. 2003, Bordignon        the third level. We grouped first those land use
2004, Pedrini et al. 2005, Bionda & Bordignon           categories having similar ecological significance
2006, Giacchini 2007, Mezzavilla & Bettiol 2007,        for the studied species into 7 new variables:
Ientile & Massa 2008, La Gioia 2009) and also by        forests, shrubs, crops and orchards, meadows and
                                                        pastures, populated areas, bare rock, wetlands. For
Figure 1 - The actual distribution of Short-toed        each cell we calculated the percentage coverage
Snake Eagle in Italy, according to atlas data.          of land use variables. The availability of prey was
                                                        measured as the number of reptile species (snakes
                                                        and lizards excluding Gekkonidae for its lack of
                                                        daytime activities) present in each cell, the data on
                                                        the presence of reptiles were derived from the atlas
                                                        of reptiles and amphibians of Italy as mentioned
                                                        above (Sindaco et al. 2006). The analysis of the
                                                        spatial distribution of land use patches was carried
                                                        out with the Esri ArcMap 9.2 Patch Analyst
                                                        extension (Rempel & Carr 1999). This analysis
                                                        investigates the geometry of selected patches that
                                                        in our case were the land use polygon and gives
                                                        back a list of statistics. Data on the geomorphology
                                                        were derived from DEM (digital elevation model)
                                                        of Italy with a spatial resolution of 250 meters.
                                                        In each cell they were calculated concerning the
                                                        altitude: the minimum, maximum, average,
                                                        median, standard deviation and the coefficient of
                                                        variation. Geographical variables were represented
                                                        by values of latitude and longitude of the cell

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