Page 102 - Panuccio2012
P. 102

Southbound direction of colonization of Short-toed Snake Eagle

underlines that the presence of Short-toed Snake         Methods
Eagle is linked to forests for nest building and to      Study area:
open areas like pasturelands and cultivation for         The study area is Italy (301.302 km²) including the
forage activity (Bakaloudis et al. 1998, 2005). The      large islands of Sicily and Sardinia. In this country
European population of Short-toed Snake Eagle is         on the first of January 2010 the human population
evaluated in less than 10.000 pairs and its status is    was 60.340.328 (ISTAT, website: http://demo.
Rare, in fact its low reproductive rate and high diet The climate varies
specialization makes it vulnerable to extinction         considerably with latitude. In the South it is warm
(Birdlife 2004). In Italy 350-400 breeding pairs         temperature, with almost no rain in summer, while
are estimated (Birdlife 2004), but recent counts         in the Northern part of the Peninsula temperature
at some migration hotspots have shown that their         is cool with rainfall more evenly distributed
number is increasing (Baghino & Premuda 2007).           throughout the year. The mean altitude in Italy is
Most of the breeding pairs in Italy are distributed      337 meters above sea level. According to Corine
in northern Italy and along the western slope of         Land Cover 2000, in Italy we found 152.435 km²
central Italy (Campora & Cattaneo 2006). The             of cultivated lands, 18.835 km² of permanent
Short-toed Snake Eagle is a broad-winged raptor          pasture lands, 79.425 km² of woodlands, 22.555
with a high skill in the use of soaring-gliding          km² of shrubs, 3.827 km² of wetlands and 14.340
flight since the energy consumption increases            km² of urbanized areas. In lowlands agriculture is
disproportionately using powered flight; as a            very intensive and devoted mainly to monoculture,
result this species tends to migrate over land and       while on the hills and mountains traditional and
to avoid water crossing where thermal currents are       less intensive agriculture is still practiced although
absent and it is forced to use active flight (Kerlinger  land abandonment is spreading. Mainland Italy
1989). For this reason individuals belonging to          may be divided into four major geographical
the Italian population migrate both during spring        and vegetational areas: the Alps and the Padana
and autumn across the Strait of Gibraltar avoiding       plain in the North, the Apenines and the coastal
the crossing of the Central Mediterranean flyway         slopes (7.456 km of coastlines) in the centre and
that would imply a long water crossing (at least         the south. The Alpine area is relatively unspoiled,
130 km) through the Channel of Sicily. Similarly         with deciduous, mixed coniferous forests, alpine
individuals breeding in Greece migrate through           pastures above the timberline, and snowfields
Turkey crossing the sea at Bosphorus (Agostini           and glaciers on higher peaks. The Po valley is the
et al. 2002a, 2002b, 2004, Mellone et al. 2011,          largest lowland area in Italy, mainly covered by
Panuccio et al. 2011). Since, as mentioned above,        intensive agriculture. Large areas of the Apennine
the bulk of the breeding pairs of this species in        mountains are still covered by semi-natural
Italy is located along its migration route, Agostini     deciduous forests, mostly oak (Quercus), beech
and Mellone (2008) suggested that the Short-toed         (Fagus) and sweet chestnut (Castanea), although
Snake Eagle is apparently still colonizing Italy         large areas have been cleared for agriculture and
from the western part of its European breeding           pasture. Coastal areas in Italy are dominated by
range and that, for this reason, its population has      shrub and in particular by typical Mediterranean
not yet reached the carrying capacity.                   scrub. The protected earth areas in Italy cover a
In this paper we test this hypothesis considering        surface of 13.000 km² (Brandmayr 2002).
several ecological (land use and prey richness),         Sampling units:
topographic (altitude) and latitudinal parameters        The geographical grid we used to divide the Italian
in order to find which ones affect the breeding          peninsula in several sampling units is the same used
distribution of Short-toed Snake Eagle in Italy          from IGM to draw the 1:25000 maps of Italy in
and to verify if some areas in Italy are not suitable    UTM projections, overall we consider 3541 cells
for the presence of Short-toed Snake Eagle or have       of 10x10 Km2. Because the Italian peninsula is
not been colonized or re-colonized yet.

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