Page 104 - Panuccio2012
P. 104

Southbound direction of colonization of Short-toed Snake Eagle

Table 1 - Environmental variables measured in each sampling units.

Category                                                                  Variable

             LAND USE       Proportion of meadows and pastures
     AVAILABILITY OF PREY   Proportion of crops and orchards
                            Proportion of Forests
  SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF   Proportion of Shrubs
ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS      Proportion of urbanized areas
(LAND USE -PATCH ANALYSIS)  Proportion of bare rocks
                            Proportion of wetlands
      GEOMORPHOLOGY         Number of reptile species (Snakes and Lizards)
          GEOGHRAPHY        Area Weighted Mean Shape Index
                            Mean Shape Index
                            Mean Perimeter-Area Ratio
                            Mean Patch Fractal Dimension
                            Area Weighted Mean Patch Fractal Dimension
                            Total Edge
                            Edge Density
                            Mean Patch Edge
                            Mean Patch Size
                            Number of Patches
                            Median Patch Size
                            Patch Size Coefficient of Variation
                            Patch Size Standard Deviation
                            Mean Altitude
                            Maximum Altitude
                            Minimum Altitude
                            Altitudinal Range (MAX – MIN)
                            Altitude Standard Deviation
                            Mean Altitude
                            Coefficient of Variation of Altitude
                            Longitude - X coordinate of cell’s centroide
                            Latitude - Y coordinate of cell’s centroide

Statistical models and procedure:                     after transformation), in addiction we generated
At first step we tested the correlation value of      new variables by squaring those variables that did
variables within the categories inside the sampling   not show linear relation with the presence of the
units in order to select variables to use in the      species. Variables belonging to the same group
models. To do this we tested the normality of         that was highly related were not used in the same
variables with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and if        run of model evaluation.
any variables were not normally distributed we        Method used to run Logistic Regression was the
proceeded with a transformation of data (square       Enter method that uses all the variables selected
root, arcsine or natural logarithm depending on       in the same run without stepwise procedure.
the variable). We used a logistic regression to test  Model selection was made by the correct Akaike
which predictive variables affect the distribution    Information Criterion (AICc) selecting the “best”
of Short-toed Snake Eagle in Italy, to perform this   model from those being considered as the model
statistical analysis we used SPSS 13.0. In order to   with the smallest value of AICc. (Manly et al.
verify which variables influence the presence of      2002).
Short-toed Snake Eagles we compared variables         The AIC for a model is:
in squares with presence data (N=94) with the
same number of cells with absence data (n=94);        AIC = -2{logc­(LM)}+2k
these cells were randomly selected among those in
which the species was not present according to the    WthehenruemLbMeirs  the Likelihood of the Model  and k is
distribution reported in the atlas we consulted.                          of unknown parameters that   must be
In the analysis were used only variables that         estimated (Akaike 1973), while AICc is:
showed normal distribution (as they were or
                                                      AICc = -2{logc­(LM)}+2k{n/(n-k-1)}

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