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Genetica (2011) 139:1293–1308                                                                  1305

           ‘‘genetic draft theory’’, which implies a reduction of  that of other samples from both the SCR group and the
           genetic diversity due to positive selection (Gillespie 2001).  SAS group, as evidenced by the PCA ordination (Fig. 4a,
           The hypothesis that selection is affecting mtDNA diversity  b), which suggests the presence of a preserved population
           in P. ferruginea is supported by the significant departure  on the Asinara Island. However, this population appears to
           from mutation-drift equilibrium, as evidenced by the neg-  be isolated from the neighbouring, non protected areas of
           ative values of selective neutrality tests. Although such a  North-Western Sardinia (such as Coscia di Donna and Isola
           signature may also reflect bottlenecks or population  dei Porri), leading to potential determination of the Asinara
           expansions, we are persuaded that these demographic  population as a peripheral isolate (Frey 1993). More studies
           processes should be ruled out because, if that was the case,  on larval recruitment in this area may help to better
           the ISSRs and mtDNA would have displayed similar   understand whether the Asinara population also represents
           genetic patterns.                                  a ‘‘source population’’ (sensu Pulliam 1988) of genetic
                                                              variability. This variability must be preserved to assure the
           Implications for conservation                      viability of the neighbouring populations, provided that the
                                                              harvesting of P. ferruginea is totally forbidden.
           As the most endangered macroinvertebrate in the Medi-  Our data from ISSRs also suggest that in the SAS the
           terranean, P. ferruginea urgently requires a conservation  populations from the Zembra and Sicilian islands may fit the
           plan (Guerra-Garcı ´a et al. 2004). With the exception of  definition of ‘‘source-sink populations’’ (sensu Pulliam
           some North African P. ferruginea populations (Templado  1988), with the small populations from Pantelleria, Maret-
           2001), most populations appear to be in regression and  timo and Favignana derived from the Zembra island by the
           below viable limits, in particular those from Sardinia and  effect of the main marine currents. Thus, recovery of these
           Corsica (Guerra-Garcı ´a et al. 2004). For instance, the  populations could be linked to an effective plan to protect
           population in the Mal di Ventre Island showed the lowest  the population of Zembra. In this sense, the possible source
           density among marine protected areas, 0.02 individuals per  of genetic variability and connectivity between source-sink
           linear meter (ind./m), ever reported for this species (Coppa,  populations should be also explored by means of direct
           pers. comm.); according to the literature, the average  methods, such as individual genetic assignment and par-
           density of P. ferruginea ranges between 0.06 and 6.86 ind./  entage analysis, to assess the hypothesis suggested here.
           m (Paracuellos et al. 2003; Espinosa 2009). Low levels of  The presence of populations genetically differentiated
           density promote a negative feedback, since settlement of  reflects the absence of effective gene flow among some
           larvae is positively influenced by chemical cues of adult  populations. Such populations are at high risk of extinction
           conspecifics (Rivera-Ingraham et al. 2011b). To alleviate  because the immigration rates are close to zero, hindering
           this problem, Templado (2001) suggested the translocation  the rate of population recovery, and often their population
           of individuals from well-settled areas as a valuable man-  sizes are low to very low. In this context, P. ferruginea
           agement practice. Recent studies also suggest that patellid  populations might benefit from the institution of additional
           larvae can be recruited on artificial surfaces, which can  protected areas and from the constitution of networks
           later be successfully translocated (Rivera-Ingraham et al.  among them (OSPAR 2006). The conservation networks,
           2011b). However, although low-diversity mtDNA lineages  which are at present considered an indispensable rowplug
           are typically regarded as unimportant from a conservation  to safeguard marine biodiversity, would have the twofold
           viewpoint, our results based on multilocus nuclear markers  aim of promoting (1) an effective interaction to support non
           suggest that great caution should be exercised when  protected areas and (2) a synergy among protected areas to
           translocations are planned due to the genetic heterogeneity  achieve conservation objectives (Ardron 2008), among
           observed even on a very small local scale.         which preservation of the genetic variability and gene flow
             In this context, the ISSR genetic differentiation found  should be prominent (OSPAR 2006). Such initiatives
           within the SCR group may be of crucial importance to  would be of great interest, especially for those populations
           conservation efforts. For instance, in North-Western  which may be potentially genetically connected.
           Sardinia, particular attention should be paid to the Argen-
           tiera population, in which individuals show the genetic  Acknowledgments  This research was financially supported by the
                                                              European Community INTERREG III (2000–2004), the Centro di
           makeup of samples from North-Eastern Sardinia and Cor-
                                                              Eccellenza of the University of Sassari (2000–2004), the Provincia di
           sica (cluster B) (Fig. 3a, b), and the population from the  Olbia-Tempio (2010), and the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna—
           protected area of Asinara Island, where the three subsam-  PO Sardegna FSE 2007–2013—L.R. 7/2007’’Promozione della ric-
           ples analysed (Cala Sant’Andrea, Punta Sabina, and Pedra  erca scientifica e dell’innovazione tecnologica in Sardegna’’. Part of
                                                              the genetic analysis was carried out using the resources of the
           Bianca) (Table 1; Fig. 1) show a high degree of identity,
                                                              Computational Biology Service Unit at Cornell University. We wish
           suggesting an efficient gene flow within the island. Fur-  to gratefully thank Dr. Fabio Scarpa (University of Sassari) for his
           thermore, the scattering of its individuals is greater than  help in checking the MS, and Dr. Stefania Coppa (CNR—Consiglio

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