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1302                                                                         Genetica (2011) 139:1293–1308

           Table 4 ISSR dataset: three-level analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA)
           Source of variation             df          SS            Var. comp.      % var.       U-statistics
           SAS and SCR
           Among groups                      1         238.461       2.101           21.07        U CT = 0.211***
           Among populations within groups  26         638.136       2.542           25.49        U SC = 0.330***
           Within populations              185         985.901       5.329           53.44        U ST = 0.466***
           Alboran Sea, Siculo-Tunisian strait, and SCR
           Among groups                      2         257.173       1.829           18.80        U CT = 0.188***
           Among populations within groups  25         619.424       2.570           26.42        U SC = 0.325***
           Within populations              185         985.901       5.329           54.78        U ST = 0.452***
           Cluster A, cluster B, and cluster C
           Among groups                      2         451.701       2.971           30.14        U CT = 0.301***
           Among populations within groups  25         424.826       1.557           15.80        U SC = 0.226***
           Within populations              185         985.901       5.329           54.06        U ST = 0.459***
           Groups for three-level AMOVA were defined a priori (see text), either inferred according to PCA and model-based clustering analyses. df
           degrees of freedom, SS sum of squares, var. comp. variance component, % var percentage of variation
           *P\ 0.05; ** P \ 0.01; *** P \ 0.001

           The eight additional haplotypes were directly connected to  have different biological and ecological conditions (Bian-
           the central one by only one mutation. The ML tree contains  chi 2007). Interestingly, the genetic structuring found
           no information as all taxa were collapsed in a polytomy  between the SCR and the SAS groups fits with the surface
           (data not shown). Both Tajima’s (D =-2.078, P \ 0.001)  isotherms recorded in the Mediterranean during February:
           and Fu’s (Fs =-16.495, P \ 0.001) neutrality tests on  populations from the SAS group lie between the isotherms
           COI displayed a significant departure from mutation-drift  of 15 and 14°C, whereas the SCR group lie between the
           equilibrium.                                       isotherms of 14 and 13°C (Bianchi 2007). The population
                                                              history of P. ferruginea from SCR and SAS might thus
                                                              include fragmentation due to physical–chemical bound-
           Discussion                                         aries, followed by restricted gene flow among sub-basins.
                                                              Regardless to the causes of such differentiation, other
           Inter-simple sequence repeat markers show a high level of  marine invertebrates show a similar pattern of genetic
           genetic variability throughout the study area, indicating the  distribution (see Calvo et al. 2009 and references therein).
           presence of three major genetic discontinuities. The  Conversely, it is not easy to identify in the SCR group
           uppermost hierarchical structure, detected by STRUC-  the causes for the genetic structuring occurring between
           TURE analyses, identified a genetic cluster corresponding  cluster A, roughly corresponding to North-Western Sardi-
           to samples from the SAS group and two genetic clusters in  nia, and cluster B, which encompasses North-Eastern
           the SCR group (Fig. 3a). Remarkably, grouping samples  Sardinia and Corsica (Fig. 3a). This fact may be related to
           into the three clusters maximised the portion of genetic  the presence of an inhospitable sandy shore extending
           differentiation among groups with respect to alternative  almost continuously for about 100 km from the Asinara
           grouping schemes, which, although significant, showed  Island to Punta li Francesi that may represent a barrier to
           lower fixation indices (Table 4).                   gene flow in West-East and viceversa direction. Although
             The genetic break observed between the two main  dispersal ability of larvae of patellogastropod limpets is
           geographic areas considered in this study (the SAS group  poorly known, data from laboratory experiments suggest
           and the SCR group) is probably linked to the presence of a  that larvae spread less than those of many marine inver-
           barrier to gene flow represented by the Sardinian Channel.  tebrates (see Nakano and Sasaki 2011 and reference
           No data are available regarding the actual level of larval  therein). Furthermore, Bird et al. (2007) suggested for
           dispersal for P. ferruginea; however, a stretch of approxi-  some Cellana species that variable currents among islands
           mately 180 km of open sea, which separates North Africa  could negatively affect gene flow. This may be the case
           from Sardinia, is likely to be the most serious hindrance to  here since the area analysed lies between Sardinia and
           gene flow between the two regions. Furthermore, the clear  Corsica islands, a geographic sector characterised by a
           North–South geographic separation of these two groups  complex circulation pattern (Pracchi and Terrosu Asole
           coincides with some sub-basins of the Mediterranean that  1971).

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