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Genetica (2011) 139:1293–1308                                                                  1297

                                                              on subsets of data corresponding to the groups identified by
                                                              Bayesian-model based clustering.
                                                                Genetic structuring was also investigated by a hierar-
                                                              chical Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) using
                                                              the software package ARLEQUIN 3.52 (Excoffier and
                                                              Lischer 2010). The total variance was partitioned into
                                                              covariance components due to differences within popula-
                                                              tions, between populations within groups, and among
                                                              groups. Three different schemes of grouping were tested,
                                                              two of which were defined a priori: one scheme with two
                                                              groups corresponding to SCR and SAS groups; a second
                                                              scheme with three groups, because of the further subdivi-
                                                              sion of SAS group into Alboran Sea and Siculo-Tunisian
           Fig. 2 Map of the main surface circulation pattern in the Western
           Mediterranean, modified from Millot and Taupier-Letage (2005)  Strait regions; the third scheme took into account the
                                                              results of model-based clustering analysis, corresponding
                                                              to the highest hierarchical genetic structuring. The signif-
                                                              icance of the fixation indices associated with the different
           et al. (2005) is used. Next, the posterior probability of data  levels of genetic structure was assessed by a non para-
           for a given K is taken into account. In the case that  metric permutation test with 10,000 replicates (Excoffier
           LnP(D) (likelihood of the posterior probability of the  et al. 1992).
           model given the data) curve ends in a plateau, and DK,  The relationship between geographical and individual
           (rate of change of LnP(D)) does not retrieve a clear peak,  pairwise genetic distances were investigated using Mantel
           then, the individual assignment is examined using q value  correlograms (Oden and Sokal 1986). The Mantel corre-
           thresholds of 0.2/0.8 to denote membership in the cluster  lograms were applied to the entire dataset as well as to
           (Va ¨ha ¨ et al. 2007).                            subsets of data (partitioned according to model based-
             For each data partition and for each value of K ten  clustering) using the multivariate, multilocus approach of
           independent runs of STRUCTURE were performed by    Smouse and Peakall (1999) implemented in the program
           applying the admixture model with correlated allelic fre-  GENALEX 6.3. This method combines the information
           quencies (Falush et al. 2003, 2007). Each run consisted of  generated from multiple genetic markers to strengthen the
           100,000 iterations that followed a burn-in period of  spatial signal by reducing stochastic (allele-to-allele and
           100,000 iterations to assess whether the results were con-  locus-to-locus) noise. Individual pairwise genetic distances
           sistent across different runs for each inferred value of  are used to estimate the autocorrelation coefficient r, which
           K. STRUCTURE analyses were performed on the CBSU   measures the genetic similarity between pairs of individu-
           Web Server, and graphical displays of the results were  als whose geographic separation falls within a specified
           generated using the software package DISTRUCT 1.1  distance class. The number and size of distance classes
           (Rosenberg 2004).                                  were set to compare similar sample size within each class.
             In addition, we compared the results of the model-based  The significance of positive autocorrelation was deter-
           clustering with a Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCA)  mined using both a permutation test (1,000 random per-
           performed by the program GENALEX 6.3 (Peakall and  mutations, 95% confidence interval) and bootstrap (1,000
           Smouse 2006) on a matrix of interindividual distances via a  reps, 95% confidence interval) estimates of r. Significant
           covariance matrix with a data standardisation method. The  spatial genetic structure was inferred either if the calculated
           ordination was carried out on the entire dataset as well as  r value fell outside this confidence interval and if the

           Table 2 ISSR dataset: primer  Primer      Sequence (5 -3 )     No. of bands       Size range of bands (bp)
           names and sequences, number
           of polymorphic bands per  IT1             (CA) 8 GT             9                 650–1500
           primer and range of molecular
           weight in base pairs (bp)  IT2            (CA) 8 AC             6                 600–1700
                                     IT3             (CA) 8 AG            11                 500–1600
                                     SAS1            (GTG) 4 GC            8                 550–1500
                                     SAS3            (GAG) 4 GC            9                 600–1500
                                     UBC811          (GA) 8 C              7                 500–1800
                                     UBC827          (AC) 8 G             10                 500–1600

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