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1298                                                                         Genetica (2011) 139:1293–1308

           bootstrap confidence interval did not include r = 0 for a  tests are expected under recent population expansion fol-
           given distance class.                              lowing a bottleneck, selective sweeps or purifying selection
                                                              (Fu 1997; Ramos-Onsins and Rozas 2002). The signifi-
           Mitochondrial DNA analysis                         cance was tested by performing coalescent simulations
                                                              (10,000 iterations) in DNASP 5.0.
           Sequence data from 12S and 16S mitochondrial coding
           genome have been used to infer the occurrence of phy-
           logeographic patterns of limpets (Bird et al. 2007, 2011;  Results
           Nakano et al. 2010; Gonza ´lez-Wevar et al. 2011a, b).
           Furthermore, studies on the COI gene of other Patella  ISSR
           species, most of which were designed to reconstruct the
           phylogeny of the genus, also showed its potential use in  The number and size of bands resolved per primer ranged
           detecting major geographical discontinuities (Sa ´-Pinto  from ten to 11 and from 500 to 1,800 bp, respectively
           et al. 2008, 2010). Thus, the 12S and 16S genes were  (Table 2). The Bayesian model-based clustering analyses
           sequenced for 174 individuals, whereas the COI gene was  showed a greater degree of genetic structuring in the SCR
           sequenced for 110 individuals, being 64 COI sequences  than SAS group (Fig. 3a, b). Indeed, the uppermost hier-
           available  on  GenBank  (accession  no.  AY996038-  archical level of genetic structuring, as estimated from the
           AY996043; GQ469872-GQ469874; GQ469876) (Table 1).  first round of STRUCTURE analyses (Table 3), resulted in
           Universal primers were used for COI (Folmer et al. 1994),  a clustering solution of K = 3: cluster A roughly corre-
           12S and 16S (Nakano and Ozawa 2004). PCR amplifica-  sponded to samples from North-Western Sardinia (SCR),
           tion was performed as described in Espinosa and Ozawa  and cluster B roughly corresponded to samples from Cor-
           (2006) with the following annealing temperatures: COI,  sica, North-Eastern Sardinia, and Argentiera (SCR); cluster
           54°C; 12S and 16S, 49°C. PCR products were purified with  C corresponded to the all samples from the SAS group
           ExoSAP-IT (USB Corporation) and were sequenced using  (Table 3).
           an external sequencing core service (Macrogen Inc., Seoul,  The second and third round of STRUCTURE analyses
           Korea). The sequences obtained were aligned using the  (overall K = 7 and K = 11, respectively, Table 3) showed
           software CLUSTAL W Multiple alignment tool in BIO-  a further substructuring that was highly consistent with the
           EDIT (Hall 1999).                          clustering solution found by BAPS analysis which identi-
             The number of haplotypes (h), number of polymorphic  fied eight genetic clusters (Fig. 3b) seven of which corre-
           sites (S), nucleotide diversity (p), and haplotype diversity  sponded to groups of individuals found after the third
           (H) were calculated to obtain estimates of the genetic  round of STRUCTURE analyses (Fig. 3a). Both analyses
           divergence among populations using the software package  are consistent in showing a clear spatial genetic structuring
           DNASP 5.0 (Rozas and Rozas 1999). The genetic rela-  in North-Western Sardinia (SCR), where all the samples
           tionships among the haplotypes were inferred using the  analysed correspond to a different cluster (Fig. 3a, b). As
           Median Joining Network analysis (Bandelt et al. 1999)  well, samples from North-Eastern Sardinia were parti-
           with the software package NETWORK (www.    tioned in two subclusters which however showed an
                             overlapping range (Fig. 3a, b). In cluster C (Fig. 3a, b), two
             The best probabilistic model of sequence evolution was  main clusters were defined by both STRUCTURE (from
           determined using the program JModeltest 0.1.1 (Posada  the second round) (Table 3) and BAPS analyses, roughly
           2008) with a maximum likelihood optimised search, using  corresponding to the westernmost (Strait of Gibraltar and
           the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). JModelTest cal-  Alboran Sea) and the easternmost (Siculo-Tunisian Strait)
           culated as the appropriate models of nucleotide substitution  samples from the SAS group. Nonetheless, Cape Bon
           the following models: HKY for 12S; F81 for 16S; and  sample grouped with the westernmost samples; similarly,
           TPM2uf for COI.                                    some individuals from the Alboran Island grouped with the
             Maximum Likelihood (ML) analysis was performed   easternmost samples (Table 3).
           with the program PhyML 3.0 (Guindon and Gascuel 2003),  The first two principal coordinates that resulted from
           allowing the estimation of proportion of invariable sites  PCA carried out on the entire dataset accounted for 60.24%
           and the gamma distribution. Best of SPR and NNI branch  of the total variation, and identified three groups of indi-
           rearrangements were applied on ten BioNJ random starting  viduals (Fig. 4a). These groups are consistent with the
           trees, and bootstrapping with 1,000 replicates was set.  highest hierarchical structure found in the first round of
             The departures from mutation-drift equilibrium were  STRUCTURE analyses (Fig. 3a). Furthermore, PCA ordi-
           assessed using Tajima’s D (Tajima 1989) and Fu’s Fs (Fu  nation based on subsets of individuals corresponding to the
           1997) neutrality tests. Significant negative values for both  aforementioned groups produced plots which tended to

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