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1294                                                                         Genetica (2011) 139:1293–1308

             The occurrence of shells in Palaeolithic and Neolithic  To perform a comprehensive assessment of the genetic
           deposits suggests that the species was commonly distrib-  population structure of P. ferruginea, we sampled indi-
           uted in the Western Mediterranean throughout the Pleis-  viduals across the entire extant range. In doing so, we
           tocene to modern times (Espinosa and Ozawa 2006). Since  investigated the presence of genetic discontinuities across
           prehistoric times, intense human exploitation of P. fer-  the sampled area and explored the potential causes of any
           ruginea has led to the fragmentation of the species’ range  genetic structuring. To achieve these goals, we used both
           (Paracuellos et al. 2003). It is currently restricted to the  nuclear ISSR markers and partial sequences of the fol-
           following areas: Sardinia, Corsica, Tuscan Archipelago,  lowing three mtDNA genes: COI, 12S (small-subunit
           few scattered sites in Sicily, Pantelleria, and the North  ribosomal RNA gene) and 16S (large-subunit ribosomal
           African shoreline from Tunisia to the Strait of Gibraltar  RNA gene).
           (Guerra-Garcı ´a et al. 2004).
             The extent to which this fragmentation has affected the
           genetic population structure of the species is not clear  Materials and methods
           (Espinosa and Ozawa 2006; Casu et al. 2006). An analysis
           of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) region coding for  Sampling and DNA extraction
           Cytochrome c Oxidase subunit I (COI) has shown a lack of
           genetic population structure in the populations located in  A total of 213 specimens of P. ferruginea were collected
           Southern Spain and North Africa (Espinosa and Ozawa  from the intertidal zones of 33 localities of the Western
           2006). In contrast, Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR)  Mediterranean (see Table 1 and Fig. 1 for sampling details;
           markers have shown significant genetic structuring  Fig. 2 for currents patterns). For some sampling sites, the
           between populations in two Sardinian marine protected  number of individuals analysed is very small due to the
           areas located only 150 km apart (Casu et al. 2006).  extremely low density of P. ferruginea at those localities
             The lack of genetic data from across the entire extant  (e.g., Nido d’Aquila, Tizzano, Bonifacio, Pantelleria,
           range of P. ferruginea represents an issue in managing its  Marettimo, Favignana) (Table 1). Whenever possible, at
           conservation because the knowledge of the amount of  least ten individuals were collected from each sampling site
           genetic variability and distribution in space and time is  using the following nonlethal protocol: the individual was
           critical for a correct diagnosis of the status, threats and  gently removed from the substrate by means of a wood
           viability of populations (Frankham 1995; Escudero et al.  chisel, and a 30–60 mg sample of foot muscle was excised
           2003). Indeed, genetic approaches are particularly useful  using a sterilised surgical forceps. The individual was then
           in addressing issues such as the determination of the  repositioned in its so-called ‘‘home scar’’, a depression in
           potential of dispersal of marine species. In fact, a direct  the rock formed by abrasion by the shell, resulting in a
           determination of dispersal ability in marine species is  tighter fit to the rock and reduced risk of desiccation.
           difficult to quantify (Kinland and Gaines 2003) and  Genomic DNA was extracted from the tissue using the
           therefore estimates of dispersal are often indirectly  QIAGEN DNeasy Tissue kit.
           inferred by assessing the genetic differentiation among
           populations (Chambers et al. 2006; Pannacciulli et al.  ISSR analysis
             A low potential for dispersal may enhance the percep-  As molecular markers of choice we used ISSRs because
           tion to geographic barriers (Baus et al. 2005). Different  this technique is affordable and less laborious compared
           studies (see Mejri et al. 2009 and references therein) have  with other fingerprinting methods. Simulations indicate
           found evidences of population genetic structuring in rela-  that dominant markers, such as ISSRs, may be as efficient
           tion to the presence of straits and passages in the Medi-  as the co-dominant ones in estimating genetic differentia-
           terranean. In the study area, a well known genetic break is  tion (Mariette et al. 2002) and may give reliable results as
           located at the Almeria-Oran oceanographic front (AOF),  microsatellites (Evanno et al. 2005). Furthermore, ISSRs
           which is a major dispersal barrier for many marine  detected high levels of genetic variability in populations of
           organisms (Patarnello et al. 2007, Galarza et al. 2009).  marine organisms, even at a small spatial scale (e.g., Casu
           Additionally, the Algerian Current which flows eastward  et al. 2005; De Aranzamendi et al. 2008; Lai et al. 2008;
           near the north-African coast most of the year (Rio et al.  Machkour-M’Rabet et al. 2009), and were successfully
           2007), may act as a north–south dispersal barrier across the  used in P. ferruginea (Casu et al. 2006). Although the
           Sardinian Channel. For instance, distinct genetic lineages  presence of homoplasious bands (not identical by descent)
           between adjacent localities of Tunisia and Sicily were  may be an issue, numerous studies have shown that
           found in the vermetid gastropod Dendropoma petreum  homoplasy is unlikely to distort analysis restricted to
           (Calvo et al. 2009).                               intraspecific level or to groups of closely related species

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