Page 2 - Rouyer_Fromentin_2008
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12                                 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 359: 11–23, 2008

                Unlike the Fourier transform which decomposes the  the local covariance and correlation between 2 non-
              time series into a sum of sine and cosine functions that  stationary signals (e.g. Cazelles et al. 2008). However,
              are not resolved in time, wavelet analysis uses a set of  these methods only enable the study of associations be-
              functions locally defined in both time and frequency  tween pairs of time series, and their use remains limited
              domains. Wavelet analysis has spread into many fields  in the case of large datasets. In addition, wavelet analy-
              of research, such as signal processing, geophysics and  ses yield outputs in both time and frequency domains
              climatology, and is becoming more and more popular  and comparing wavelet spectra of numerous time series
              within ecology (e.g. Bradshaw & Spies 1992, Grenfell  quickly turns into a very complex issue. When dealing
              et al. 2001, Klvana et al. 2004, Keitt & Urban 2005, Keitt  with large datasets of time series, a classical and useful
              & Fischer 2006, Ménard et al. 2007). Nonetheless,  approach in ecology is to use hierarchical clustering. A
              wavelet analysis still displays 2 shortcomings with  matrix of dissimilarities between the time series is con-
              respect to its use in ecology. First, the time and  structed, over which a clustering algorithm is applied.
              frequency locations of the wavelet spectra are not  The dissimilarity matrix can either be performed on the
              uncorrelated, and the statistical inference is therefore  raw properties of the time series or on their power spec-
              difficult (Maraun & Kurths 2004). If standard boot-  trum, according to whether interest is more in the tempo-
              strapping methods allow testing the wavelet spectra  ral or frequency aspects. We present here an approach
              with various re-sampling procedures, the underlying  that combines both time and frequency domains, as the
              null hypotheses are most often invalid for ecological  matrix of dissimilarities used for clustering is constructed
              time series. For instance, in a number of cases, white  from the comparison between pairs of wavelet spectra.
              noise and red noise are not supported by the observa-  The wavelet spectra are compared using a procedure
              tions. Second, although wavelet analysis is a powerful  based on the maximum covariance analysis (MCA), a
              univariate or bivariate analysis, it remains limited to  multivariate method that was originally used to compare
              analysing a large number of (shorter) time series; this  spatio-temporal fields (Bretherton et al. 1992). Both the
              is, however, a situation commonly encountered by  surrogate and the clustering approaches are applied in
              ecologists.                                       this paper to several datasets of time series, either
                We present 2 approaches to circumvent these limita-  simulated or real, to illustrate their applicability. Wavelet
              tions and to extend the use of wavelets within the field  analysis and the proposed approaches applied to ecolog-
              of ecology. First, we propose to test the wavelet spectra  ical questions illustrate how these methods can bring
              using surrogates. The surrogates have been intro-  fruitful insights to the study of coupling between envi-
              duced by Theiler et al. (1992) to determine the consis-  ronmental and biological fluctuations.
              tency of experimental time series with various null
              hypotheses of simple systems. Each surrogate is
              consistent with a specific null hypothesis about the        MATERIALS AND METHODS
              underlying system (e.g. a random variable or an
              autoregressive-like process) while retaining some of  Wavelet analysis. The wavelet methodology is well
              the statistical features of the original time series (e.g.  suited for signals whose frequencies change with time.
              mean and variance, power spectrum). Statistics are  This is because this methodology enables description
              then computed for the original data and a large set of  of the variability of a time series in both time and
              surrogates, thus allowing testing of the original data  frequency domains, and it can  cope with aperiodic
              against an empirical distribution consistent with the  components, noise and transients (Daubechies 1992,
              null hypothesis (Royer & Fromentin 2006). We propose  Lau & Weng 1995, Torrence & Compo 1998). The
              a class of surrogates that models the underlying statis-  wavelet transform is based on the convolution product
              tical structure of the time series as 1/ƒ noise (Halley  between the time series and a mathematical function,
              1996). Such a model is rather convenient as it allows for  the so-called ‘daughter wavelet’. For a given set of pa-
              the ‘more time, more variation’ effect displayed by  rameters a (scale parameter related to frequency) and τ
              many ecological time series (Lawton 1988, Inchausti &  (translation parameter related to time position), the
              Halley 2002, Vasseur & Yodzis 2004). This class of sur-  wavelet functions Ψ, are defined at time t as follows:
              rogates is thus adapted to ecological time series, as it                 1  ( )
                                                                                           t −
              is, in addition, designed to deal with short time series.        ψ a, τ  ()  ψ  a             (1)
                Second, understanding ecological phenomena using                       a
              time series often requires the analysis of large datasets.  The wavelet transform, W, is then defined as a con-
              Wavelet cross analyses allow investigation of the associ-  volution integral of the time series with the wavelet
              ation between 2 signals by extending the wavelet trans-  function:
              form to bivariate cases. The wavelet cross-spectrum and        1        t −  τ
                                                                                 ( )
              the wavelet coherence are respectively used to quantify  Wa,τ) =  ∫  xt ψ* ( ) d t= x t ψ* ( a,τ)  t d  (2)
                                                                             a          a
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