Page 10 - Scuderi_Balistreri_Germanà_2019
P. 10

424                                 DANILO SCUDERI ET ALII

                                  Table 2. Materials of P. radiata and P. fucata utilized in the present study.

                 & Galinou-Mitsoudi (2013: fig. 4B), and is in rapid  But populations constituted by these morpho-
                 spreading in the Mediterranean, with large popula-  logically different specimens tend to remain quite
                 tions in certain localities, as could be argued by the  constantly uniform with respect to those of other
                 growth rate of the species here attested.    geographic regions.
                   Different  species  of  Pinctada in  the  world  So, another interpretation is that they represent
                 seem to live in different geographical districts, but  different species, which could hybridize themselves
                 genetic differences between species seem not very  when populations overlap their distributional areas.
                 high and molecular studies appeared controver-  So, these intermediates represent hybrid speci-
                 sial.                                        mens between two species.
                   Moreover in geographical zones where the dis-  Among bivalve molluscs, Mytylidae comprise
                 tribution areas overlap, morphological intermediates  examples of the same problem.
                 appear, adding confusions both to morphological  Genetic studies attested the existence of three
                 and genetic studies.                         different european species of Mytylus: M. gallo-
                   Among the large amount of materials studied,  provincialis in the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent
                 we have found few intermediates between P. radi-  areas, M. edulis in North-Western coasts of Europe,
                 ata and P. fucata as well (Fig. 9). So, how can we  and  M.  trossulus along  Scandinavian  coasts
                 interpret these intermediates?               (Koehn, 1991).
                   On the one hand, intermediates could represent  Intermediates  between  these  species  occur
                 morphs resulting by mating of different morphs of  along overlapping ridges of geographical distribu-
                 one only quite polymorphic species, which often  tion areas (Gardner et al., 1993; Gosling et al.,
                 live in different geographical areas.        2008).
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