Page 8 - Scuderi_Balistreri_Germanà_2019
P. 8

422                                 DANILO SCUDERI ET ALII

                   The  right  valve  shows  a  not  very  marked  in outline (Fig. 25), almost entirely red-brownish
                 rounded byssal ridge.                        with darker radial strips, sculpture of dense and
                   The hinge bears a well-defined and duplicated  pointed process, organized in numerous rows, soft
                 posterior tooth and a not very well defined but thick  parts mainly orange (see Table 1).
                 anterior tooth with two often marked sockets.   The second is here named P. fucata, on account
                   The left valve shows a very marked rounded  of comparisons with Indo-Pacific materials (Figs.
                 byssal ridge and bears straight and not duplicated  23, 24), and is characterized by a smaller shell in
                 anterior tooth; posteriorly an almost deep socket  full grown specimens, oval in outline (Fig. 26), al-
                 with two not market teeth is present.        most greenish in colour (75–80% of the specimens
                   Straight hinge line, which do not or only slightly  observed) with paler radial strips, sculpture essen-
                 become curved near the umbo. Seen from inner  tial,  tending  to  vanish  (valves  often  almost
                 side, the umbo is prominent in the left valve, almost  smooth), process sparse, blunt and wider, organ-
                 invisible in the right one.                  ized  in  low  number  of  rows,  soft  parts  mainly
                   Anatomy of soft parts: digestive gland, kidney  greenish. The former species, seen from umbo, is
                 and gonad pale orange to green, ctenidium greenish  quite flattened (Fig. 31), while the latter appears
                 with white stains (Fig. 37); foot whitish with nu-  markedly convex.
                 merous black spots; margin of mantle deep green  Besides the morphological differences above
                 to pale orange, with white stains and black radial  mentioned, P. fucata differs in habitat preferences.
                 bands corresponding to the marginal tips, anal fun-  While P. radiata is present, nowadays with dense
                 nel  graysh  and  speare-shaped  (Fig.  38).  Byssus  populations in Southern regions of East and Cen-
                 green with almost thick filaments (Fig. 42).   tral Mediterranean, on hard substrata with algal
                   DISTRIBuTION AND BIOLOGY. Sporadically  re-  covering (Cystoseira spp.), P. fucata was instead
                 ported in Eastern basin, in these last few years it is  found near river’s estuary on other shells, but the
                 very abundant in Eastern Sicily and quite common  most abundant material is represented by vegetal
                 in  other  Southern  regions  in  Italy.  The Adriatic  residuals of the river cane Phragmites australis
                 record is reported fide the statements of the maricul-  (Cav.)  Trin.  ex  Steud.,  accumulated  by  winter
                 ture operators in Faro lake, Messina and should be  storms. Less commonly it was found on the ascid-
                 confirmed. Sandy bottoms near estuarine areas, at-  ians of the genus Microcosmus Heller, 1877 (As-
                 tached with byssus each other (Fig. 43) or on other  cidiacea Pyuridae).
                 shell, like mussels, Cardiidae (Fig. 44), Pinnidae  Considering the complicated taxonomy and the
                 (Fig. 46) and dead gastropods (Fig. 45), on ascidians  high polymorphism of the species of Pinctada, all
                 (Fig. 50), on Annelid tubes (Fig. 47), to the stolons  these morphological differences are, according to
                 of the sea-grass Cymodocea nodosa (ucria) Asch-  us, enough to consider the two different morphs
                 erson, 1870 (Fig. 48) or the algae Caulerpa taxifolia  here studied as different species. We therefore refer
                 var. distichophylla (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman et  to the conclusions chapter the full reasons of our
                 Procaccini in Jongma et al., 2013 (Fig. 49), but on  personal interpretation of the taxonomical problem
                 plastic objects too, in low (-1/8 m) depths.  concerning these two taxa.
                                                                 Moreover, in E-Sicily P. fucata was sporadically
                                                              collected or never recorded before, in the same lo-
                 DISCUSSION                                   cality  where  thousands  of  specimens  have  been
                                                              found in very recent times.
                   After a critical evaluation of the morphological  This  population  shows  preferences  for  more
                 characters observed in very abundant amount of  brackish waters and sandy bottoms, where is more
                 specimens of the two different forms of Pinctada,  likely arrived with human mediated transportation,
                 despite a high variability in both and the genetic  as its population dynamics seem to suggest.
                 studies of mainly Eastern Mediterranean specimens  The current status of the above reported popu-
                 (Barbieri et al., 2015), we concluded that two dif-  lations of P. fucata in E-Sicily seems to attest their
                 ferent species are involved                  progressive expansion, after a first period of accli-
                   The first, attributable to P. radiata, on account  mation  in  the  more  suitable  geographical  zones
                 of a bigger shell in full grown specimens, rounded  where they arrived.
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