Page 4 - Scuderi_Balistreri_Germanà_2019
P. 4

418                                 DANILO SCUDERI ET ALII

                 Cosenza, Italy; sh.: empty shell/s; sp.: living col-  The left valve shows a very marked rounded
                 lected specimen/s.                           byssal ridge and bears a straight and clearly dupli-
                                                              cated anterior tooth; posterior tooth not marked.
                                                                 Straight  hinge  line,  which  become  almost
                 RESULTS                                      deeply curved near the umbo. Seen from inner side,
                                                              the umbo is prominent in the left valve, almost in-
                 Systematics                                  visible in the right one.
                                                                 Anatomy of soft parts: digestive gland, kidney,
                 Classis BIVALVIA  Linnaeus, 1758             gonad and ctenidium deep orange (Fig. 35); foot
                 Subclassis PTERIOMORPHIA Beurlen, 1944       whitish with numerous black spots; ctenidium and
                 Ordo OSTREIDA Férussac, 1822                 margin  of  mantle  orange  with  white  stains  and
                 Superfamilia PTERIOIDEA Gray, 1847 (1820)    black radial bands corresponding to the marginal
                 Familia PTERIIDAE Gray, 1847 (1820)          tips;  anal  funnel  (Fig.  36)  speare-shaped  and
                                                              graysh. Byssus green with almost thick filaments
                 Pinctada Röding, 1798                        (Fig. 40).

                                                                 DISTRIBuTION AND BIOLOGY. Quite common in
                   TYPE SPECIES: Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus,  Eastern basin, from Israel, Crete, Grece to Tunisia,
                 1758). Here follows the description of the main di-  Eastern and Western Sicily and S-Apulia. Tyrrhen-
                 agnostic characters observed for each of the two  ian records should be confirmed with live-collected
                 taxa treated in the present paper.           specimens.
                                                                 Calcareous to lava hard substrata, with dense
                 Pinctada radiata (Leach, 1814)               algal turf, at low depths (-0.5/8 m).
                 (Figs. 2–7, 17–19, 23, 35, 36, 39, 40)

                   EXAMINED MATERIAL. A total of 84 sh and 48 sp  Pinctada fucata (Gould, 1850)
                 from different localities from Italy and Tunis (see  (Figs. 8–26, 20–22, 24, 37, 38, 41–50)
                 Table 2 for details).
                   DESCRIPTION. Shell almost rounded in outline,  EXAMINED MATERIAL. A total of 761 sh and 392
                 variable in thickness and inequilateral (Fig. 27),  sp from different localities from Italy, Greece and
                 high up to 75 mm, constituted by almost flat valves,  Malta  (see  Table  2  for  details).  Maldives:  Ari
                 the left more convex than the right one.     Atoll, Kuda Rah, 96 Km S of Male, beached, 5 sh
                   Outer  face  reddish  with  darker  radial  rows,  (DSC).
                 sculptured by numerous concentric growth lamellae  DESCRIPTION. Shell almost transverse-oval in
                 which bear, on the lower 1/2 or 1/3 of the valve, a  outline, fragile and highly inequilateral (Fig. 26),
                 copious number of pointed and narrow processes  high up to 45 mm, with a flat right valve and a left
                 arranged in two orders: one larger alternated to one  quite convex one. Colour very variable, from al-
                 or two smaller (Fig. 27).                    most white specimens with darker stains to yellow,
                   In the posterior margin of both the valves the  red, but the most common is green, within its wide
                 rows are closer. The smooth inner surface is divided  range of variations, from paler to very dark, with
                 in a marginal less wide non-nacreous layer, which  whitish radial rows.
                 recalls the outer surface in colour, separated by a  It  is  sculptured  by  concentric  almost  smooth
                 darker more or less wide band from the nacre one,  growth lamellae, which bear, on the lower 1/3 or 1/4
                 which bears a wide adductor muscle scar and a se-  of  the  valve,  a  low  number  of  blunt  and  large
                 ries of small pallial muscle scars.          processes arranged in two orders of 10–12 alternated
                   The  right  valve  shows  a  not  very  marked  rows of bigger and smaller processes (Fig. 26).
                 rounded byssal ridge. The hinge bears a well-de-  In the posterior margin of both the valves the
                 fined and duplicated posterior tooth and a not very  rows bear bigger processes: those of the 2nd or 3rd
                 well defined but thick anterior tooth with two not  row could form very long and large scales which
                 deep sockets.                                stand up over all the others (Figs. 12, 13).
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