Page 5 - Scuderi_Balistreri_Germanà_2019
P. 5
Are Pinctada radiata and P. fucata only synonyms or really different species? The case of some Mediterranean populations 419
Figures 2–7, 17–19, 23. Pinctada radiata. Figs. 2–7: shells in external and internal view, all from Catania. Fig. 2: h: 59 mm. Fig.
3: h: 49 mm. Fig. 4: h: 42 mm. Fig. 5: h: 32 mm. Figs. 6, 7: h: 53 mm. Fig. 23, same data of the specimen in figure 4, drawing of
the internal soft parts. Figs. 17–19, same data of the specimen in figures. 6, 7, detail of the hinge of the left (Fig. 17) and right (Fig.
18) valves and view from umbo (Fig. 19). Figures 8-16, 20–22, 24. Pinctada fucata. Figs. 8–16: shells in external and internal
view, all from Catania. Figs. 8, 10–11: h: 46 mm. Fig. 9: h: 75 mm, corresponding to a possible hybrid specimen. Fig. 12: h: 20
mm. Fig. 13: h: 18 mm. Fig. 14: h: 31 mm. Fig. 15: h: 23 mm. Fig. 16: h: 26 mm. Figs. 20–22, same data of the specimen in figures
10, 11, detail of the hinge of the left (Fig. 20) and right (Fig. 21) valves and view from umbo (Fig. 22). Fig. 24: same data of the
specimen in figure 41, drawing of the internal soft parts. Figs. 25, 26: Maldives Is., Ari atoll, h: 19 mm and h: 10 mm, respectively.