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          1970                    K. Lambeck, A. Purcell / Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (2005) 1969–1988

          physical properties of the solidplanet, primarily the  2. Theory and model requirements
          mantle viscosity, andinto the changes in global ice
          volume through time. If the rheological andice      2.1. Theory
          dependence can be established, predictive models for
          glacially-driven sea-level change can then be developed  The theory for glacio-hydro-isostasy used here has
          andusedas reference for estimating vertical rates and  been developed over a period of years by Nakiboglu et
          scales of surface tectonic processes or for predicting  al. (1983), Nakada and Lambeck (1987), Johnston
          shoreline migrations.                               (1993, 1995), Lambeck andJohnston (1998),and
           The Mediterranean margins and islands have pro-    Lambeck et al. (2003), with successive models represent-
          vided a fruitful area for such studies for a number of  ing improvements in theory, computational methods,
          reasons. First, because the area is a small tidal-range  andmodel-parameter estimation. There has been some
          environment, the observational evidence can often be  discussion on aspects of the theory that we use
          relatedprecisely to mean sea level. Second, there is a  concerning the distribution of the glacial melt water
          wide range of geological and archaeological evidence  into the deformable ocean basins (Peltier, 2002) but
          available from most of the region. While this data  according to Mitrovica andMilne (2003), the theory
          remains inadequate to construct a purely empirical  usedhere represents, along with that of Milne (1998),
          model for sea-level change that has predictive capabil-  the most complete andrigorous available (see also
          ities across the region, it does provide a significant  Mitrovica, 2003).
          database for testing and calibrating the quantitative  We do not discuss the theory in detail since this is
          models of change during a glacial cycle. The Mediterra-  given in the above references. Instead, we express
          nean region is particularly useful in that older inter-  relative sea-level change Dz rsl ðj; tÞ schematically as
          glacial shorelines are preservedin many locations so that
                                                              Dz rsl ðj; tÞ¼ Dz esl ðtÞþ Dz I ðj; tÞþ Dz T ðj; tÞ  (1a)
          it becomes possible to examine whether changes in
          tectonic rates have occurredon time scales from years to  with
           10 years. Third, there are a number of active tectonic
                                                              Dz I ðj; tÞ¼ Dz I-g ðj; tÞþ Dz I-h ðj; tÞ   (1b)
          processes whose understanding would be considerably
          aided if rates of vertical movement can be measured  where Dz rsl ðj; tÞ represents the change at location j of
          over a range of time scales of 10 –10 years. Finally,  the sea surface relative to landat time t comparedto its
          once successful models for sea-level change have been  present position at time t P . The first term on the right-
          developed, it is also possible to predict past and future  handside of Eq. (1a) represents the ice-volume
          shoreline migrations andto address, for example,    equivalent sea-level contribution (esl), the secondterm,
          questions about the functions of coastal archaeological  Dz I ðj; tÞ, is the isostatic contribution, andthe last term
          structures or help in exploring the submarine environ-  is a tectonic contribution for tectonically active areas.
          ment for past sites of human activity.              The isostatic term is schematically divided into two
           In this paper, we are concernedwith the eustatic and  contributions: the glacio-isostatic part Dz I-g ðj; tÞ,and
          glacio-hydro-isostatic contributions to sea level across  the hydro-isostatic part Dz I-h ðj; tÞ.
          the Mediterranean basin, with a focus on change       The ice-volume equivalent term is defined as
          since the endof the last glaciation about 20,000               r  Z  1
          years ago. Over the past decade a number of studies  Dz esl ðtÞ¼    i   dV i  dt.                 (2)
          have been undertaken to establish regional predictive         r o  t  A o ðtÞ dt
          models (Lambeck, 1996; Lambeck andBard, 2000;       V i is the ice volume at time t, A o ðtÞ is the ocean surface
          Sivan et al., 2001, 2004; Lambeck et al., 2004a, b).  area at time t, and r , r are the average densities of ice
                                                                                i  o
          Here, we attempt a basin-wide study that integrates  andocean water. In the absence of any other factors
          some of these results. Emphasis is on demonstrating the  that leadto changes in ocean volume, the ice-volume
          nature of the spatially andtemporally variable level  equivalent sea-level is equal to eustatic sea level. In our
          across the Mediterranean basin and on assessing how  formulation, the ice loadis evaluatedfrom the integral
          this variability can be exploitedto establish optimum  over the ice mass on the continents andgroundedon
          parameters for modeling sea-level change through time.  continental shelves. The water loadis then definedby
          Preliminary comparisons with observational evidence  the shoreline at the epoch in question andby the
          are made to test the essential correctness of the model.  grounding line of any ice on the shelves. Thus the ice
          In a follow-up paper, this model will be compared more  volume V i in (2) refers to all ice out to the grounding
          rigorously with observational evidence from across the  line andthe surface area A o is defined by this line and by
          region, with the objective of estimating improved   the coastline.
          rheological parameters andwith providing an improved  The glacio-isostatic term Dz I-g in Eq. (1b) is the
          reference surface for measuring rates of tectonic uplift  response of the sea surface to the changing ice loadand
          andsubsidence.                                      the hydro-isostatic term Dz I-h is the response to the
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