Page 5 - Sea-level change_2004
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                                  K. Lambeck, A. Purcell / Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (2005) 1969–1988  1973

          mantle viscosity distribution with depth is approximated  3. Model predictions across the Mediterranean basin
          by a small number of layers. The elastic parameters,
          including compressibility and density, vary with depth  3.1. Sea level on a rigid earth
          according to seismic data. Phase boundaries are
          assumednot to respond on the time scales of the glacial  Without deformation of the solid earth, the sea-level
          cycles and comparisons of model predictions based on  function is determined by the gravity of the surface load
          this assumption with results in which the phase     of ice andredistributedmeltwater such that the sea-
          boundaries adjust instantaneously to the change in  surface remains at constant gravitational potential. Fig.
          pressure do not indicate that this distinction is   1a illustrates this contribution at 12 ka BP (it is zero at
          important in terms of producing parameters that     6.8 ka as in this model there is no further change in the
          describe the rebound (Johnston et al., 1997). For the  ice history from this time to the present) for the iterative
          models considered here a three-layered mantle is    solution of Eq. (1) in which the mantle viscosity has
          adopted comprising an elastic lithosphere of effective  been set to an infinitely large value. The pattern is a
          thickness H 1 , an upper mantle of average effective  quasi-uniform gradient across the region with levels
          viscosity Z um  extending from the base of the lithosphere  above the esl value of   54 m for this epoch. This is the
          to the 670 km seismic discontinuity, and a lower mantle  result of the broadzone that develops around each of
          of effective viscosity Z lm  extending to the core-mantle  the northern hemisphere ice sheets in which the sea
          boundary. Tests for mantle models with a greater degree  surface is deflected upwards by the gravitational
          of layering show that such simple models capture most  attraction of the ice. The North American influence is
          of the reboundsignal.                               seen mainly as a NW–SE slope of about 3.5 m from the
           Lateral variability in mantle viscosity, as well as in  Golfe du Lion (France) to Egypt whereas the Scandi-
          lithospheric thickness is ignored. This is on the grounds  navian signal is a predominantly N–S gradient of about
          that there is no observational database that would be  0.5 m from Trieste to the Gulf of Sirte (Libya) and
          satisfactory for inversion for both the ice-model   together they form the broadpattern shown in Fig. 1a.
          parameters and the depth-lateral distribution of viscos-  (By 12 ka BP the percentage reduction in ice volume of
          ity. However, regional inversions of sea-level data  Scandinavia has been greater than for North America,
          do indicate that there may be some lateral variability  and despite the greater distance to it, the North
          in effective upper-mantle viscosity in a range of   American ice loaddominates the signal. At the time of
           10 Pa s   for  the  South   Pacific  mantle   to    the LGM, the gradients are more comparable,  9 m for
           5–6   10 Pa s for the mantle beneath North America.  the NW–SE slope towards North America and  7.5 m
          This provides one of the rationales for carrying out  for the N–S slope towards Scandinavia.) The small
          regional  solutions,  rather  than  a  single  global  ‘wiggles’ in the contours in Fig. 1a at the land–water
          solution, on the basis that much of the regional    boundaries, such as across Italy or the Aegean Sea or
          deformation recorded is more indicative of the mantle  the larger ones across the coast of North Africa, are the
          rheology beneath the loaded area than of the        result of the changing gravitational attraction between
          mantle beyondthis region. A number of solutions     water andlandas sea level rises. The Antarctic influence
          indicate that representative values for the upper-mantle  is predominantly the constant equivalent sea level for
          viscosity beneath continental margins andaway from  the epoch.
          the cratonic cores of Scandinavia and North America,
          and including the Mediterranean, are in the range   3.2. Glacio-isostatic contributions
          (2–4)   10 Pa s (e.g. Lambeck andNakada, 1990;
          Lambeck andBard, 2000; Lambeck et al., 2004a). The    Figs. 1b andc illustrate the glacio-isostatic contribu-
          lower-mantle viscosity is reasonably well constrainedby  tions to relative sea level at 12 ka BP from the individual
          sea-level data from far-field sites because the wavelength  ice sheets over northern Europe andNorth America,
          of the water loads, defined by the ocean basins, is equal  respectively, andthe signal is primarily due to the
          or greater than the depth of the mantle. Also, the time  change in deformation of the planet between 12 ka and
          dependence of the inertia tensor of the planet, as  the present rather than to the change in direct
          recorded in the orbital perturbation spectrum of close  gravitational potential of the ice sheet. The result is a
          earth satellites or in the planetary rotation, provide  concentric pattern of subsidence of the broad uplift zone
          goodconstraints on lower-mantle viscosity (e.g. Kauf-  createdduring the time of ice growth aroundeach of the
          mann andLambeck, 2002) andwe adopt values of        ice sheets. Also illustrated(Fig. 1d) is the contribution
          (5–20)   10 Pa s. Effective values for the elastic thick-  from the Alpine deglaciation for the same epoch and
          ness of 50–80 km also appear to be appropriate.     within the marine environment, this contribution is
          Independent solutions for mantle rheology give similar  significant only in the northern Adriatic and Gulf of
          results (e.g. Mitrovica, 1996; Mitrovica andForte, 1997;  Genoa areas, reaching 4–5 m at 12 ka BP and1–1.2 m at
          Milne et al., 2001).                                6 ka BP.
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