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                                  K. Lambeck, A. Purcell / Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (2005) 1969–1988  1971

          concomitant change in water load. The two terms     grounding line (Lambeck et al., 2003). Thus, the ocean
          include contributions from the deformation of the crust  geometry andthe water depth must be known at each
          under the surface load and from the change in the   epoch andthis is achieved through introducing high-
          gravitational potential of the earth–ice–water system.  resolution topography (including bathymetry) models
          Because the redistribution of melt water is a function of  into the solution of (1) and(2) and estimating the
          the deformation of the ocean basins and of the change in  palaeo-topography/bathymetry
          gravitational attraction by the ice, the two isostatic
                                                              DðtÞ¼ Dðt P Þ  Dz rsl
          terms are coupledwith Dz I-h a function of Dz esl , Dz I-g
          and Dz I-h itself. Thus, the explicit separation of the two
                                                              as part of the iterative process. As the ice heights locally
          isostatic terms in (1b) is artificial andis done here only
                                                              change linearly between integration time steps (see
          for illustrative purposes.
                                                              below), so does the ocean boundary evolve linearly
           A key assumption made in formulating the isostatic
                                                              between successive time steps.
          terms is that the response of the earth to a surface load,
                                                                In the first approximation, the glacio-isostatic term is
          of gravitational potential U, is linear. Thus, if the loadis  evaluatedfrom the integrals of the ice loaddefined for
          decomposed into potential harmonic constituents U n ,  each epoch. In subsequent iterations, because the depth
          then for each harmonic both the deformation and     of the water column near the ice margins is a function of
          change in gravitational potential are proportional to the  the gravitational attraction of the ice, andtherefore of
          corresponding harmonic U n , with the proportionality
                                                              the ice itself, the evaluation of Dz I-g , is not independent
          coefficients defined by time-dependent load Love
                                                              of the water loadand this interaction is includedin the
          numbers. The evaluation of the response therefore
                                                              subsequent iterations. For illustrative purposes only,
          reduces to the evaluation of the potential integrals of
                                                              this is ignoredin the next section and the first-iteration
          the ice and water loads on the deformable earth, with
                                                              solution for Dz I-g is usedto provide an approximate
          the requirement that ocean-ice mass is conservedand
                                                              estimate of the effects of the ice loadon sea level in the
          that the ocean surface remains an equipotential surface
                                                              Mediterranean. The first-iteration water-load correction
          at all times. These assumptions have formedthe base of
                                                              assumes that the melt water is distributed uniformly
          most models for global isostatic reboundandassociated
                                                              over the oceans whose time dependence of area is
          sea-level change (e.g. Cathles, 1975; Peltier and   defined by the boundaries Dðt P Þ  Dz esl ¼ 0. In subse-
          Andrews, 1976; Nakada and Lambeck, 1987; Tromp      quent iterations, the water load is distributed according
          andMitrovica, 1999a, b), andthe principal complexity  to the predicted sea-level change of the previous
          is the evaluation of the Love numbers for realistic earth
                                                              iteration andthis allows the full coupling between the
          models and ensuring that the above-mentioned coupling
                                                              various components to be considered. Five iterations are
          is properly treated. Finally, rotational effects (Milne and
                                                              foundto be sufficient for present purposes but for some
          Mitrovica, 1998) are included in the full formulation of
                                                              high-resolution analyses higher iterations are appropri-
          Eq. (1).
                                                              ate (e.g. Lambeck et al., 2004b). Here, again for
           The start time of the glacial loading history is taken
                                                              illustrative purposes only, the water-loadcontribution
          either as the Last Interglacial (LIg) or an earlier  is evaluatedfrom
          interglacial, depending on whether the predictions are
          limitedto the periodsince maximum glaciation or     Dz I-h   Dz rsl  ðDz I-g þ Dz esl Þ,          (4)
          whether they include the full last cycle. The ocean
          boundary Oðt o Þ anddepth Dðt o Þ at this start time is  where Dz rsl is the fully coupled, multi-iteration solution
          initially defined by the present geometry and the basin  and Dz I-g is the first approximation glacio-isostatic term.
          andcoastline geometry is computed through time for a  The a priori information requiredfor predicting the
          specifiedice history and earth rheology up to the present  glacially-driven sea-level change includes the definition
          time t P . Because of earth-memory effects, this geometry  of the earth’s rheology, anda knowledge of the ice
          Oðt P Þ, Dðt P Þ may not be the same as the actual present-  sheets through time. In reality, neither is necessarily
          day values and the geometry through time is adjusted by  known with adequate accuracy from ab initio con-
          subtracting out the difference between the starting  siderations and both are evaluated in part from the
          geometry at LIg andthe final geometry predicted for  analysis of glacial reboundresponses. By analyzing sea-
          t P . At each epoch, the ice thickness on the shelves is  level responses from different geographic localities and
          comparedwith the predicted depth of water to establish  at different times, and by combining the results with
          if the ice is grounded. If it is, the volume in (2) includes  those from different responses (e.g. surface displacement
          all ice grounded on the shelf. If it is not, the floating ice  measurements andmoments of inertia and gravity
          forms part of the water column along with the water  change) some effective separation of ice- andearth-
          layer between the base of the ice andthe sea floor. When  model parameters can be achieved. In particular, specific
          the shelf ice has thinnedsufficiently for it to float, the  combinations of assumedice sheet histories and
          ocean boundary is defined by the new location of the  rheological models can provide successful predictive
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