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          1976                    K. Lambeck, A. Purcell / Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (2005) 1969–1988

          isostatic adjustment and by the gravitational change.  epoch are a consequence of the inclusion of the Alpine
          The pattern of change remains the same as for the first-  glaciation andprecise observations of the sea-level
          iteration solution but the amplitudes are modified.  gradient along the coast may be useful for placing
                                                              approximate limits on the magnitude of the Alpine ice
                                                              load. Along parts of the North African and Levantine
          3.4. Relative sea-level change
                                                              coast, the two isostatic contributions are of opposite
                                                              sign with the water loadbeing dominant, resulting in
           The relative sea-level change, including the gravita-
                                                              predictions of small-amplitude highstands in Late
          tional anddeformational parts of both isostatic terms
                                                              Holocene time. Notably, the predicted levels along the
          andthe esl contributions, is illustrated in Figs. 2d–f for
                                                              Gulfs of Sirte andGabe ` s coasts exhibit strong spatial
          the epochs 20, 12 and6 ka BP, always for the nominal
                                                              gradients, for example,  4 m from Gabe ` s to Tunisia,
          earth andice models, with equivalent levels at these
                                                              anddata from this region would be important for
          epochs of  142,  54 and0 m, respectively. The local
                                                              evaluating model parameters appropriate for the region.
          levels at the time of maximum glaciation vary from
                                                              Between Majorca and Sardinia, the predicted levels for
           110 to  150 m across the region andare below the esl  6 ka BP lie as much as 8 m below present, andthe spatial
          values near the centers of the sub-basins south of Italy,  variability remains significant across the entire region
          between Majorca andSardinia, andin the eastern      andconsiderably greater than most observational
          Mediterranean. The shallower values occur within the
          Gulfs of Genoa andLion andin the northern Adriatic.  uncertainties.
          (See Fig. 3 for locations.) At 12 ka BP, the levels range
          from   40 m in the northern Adriatic to o 68 m near
          the centers of the above-mentionedbasins. The pattern  4. Precision of sea-level predictions
          is similar to that at 20 ka BP, with the levels at the coast
                                                              4.1. Dependence on earth-model parameters
          being mostly above the esl values whereas offshore they
          are mostly below the esl values. At both epochs, the
                                                                The above predictions are based on the nominal earth
          pattern follows closely the coastline geometry, indicative
                                                              model for a three-layered mantle. No systematic
          of water loading contributing a major role to the spatial
                                                              inversion of sea-level data for the entire Mediterranean
          variability of the overall isostatic signal (c.f. Fig. 2a).
                                                              has yet been attempted, but a number of regional
          This pattern persists for other Late Glacial and
                                                              solutions—from France, Italy, Greece, andIsrael—all
          Holocene periods. At 6 ka BP, for example, sea levels
                                                              indicate that parameters in the range given in Table 1
          remain below present day across much of the region, the
                                                              yieldpredictions that are consistent with observations
          two isostatic contributions being both negative. The
                                                              (Lambeck, 1995b; Lambeck andBard, 2000; Sivan et al.,
          exceptions occur in the northernmost Adriatic and along
                                                              2001; Lambeck et al., 2004a). The earth-model depen-
          segments where the North African coast is indented,
                                                              dence of the predictions for this parameter range is
          such as in the Gulfs of Sirte andGabe ´ , andalong the
                                                              illustratedfor two epochs (6 and 12 ka BP) in Fig. 4,
          easternmost Mediterranean coast (Fig. 2f). In the
                                                              along two profiles, a north–south profile from the
          northern Adriatic, the small positive values at this
                                                              northern Adriatic to North Africa and an east–west
                                                              profile along 401N in the western Mediterranean. For
                                                              t ¼ 6 ka BP, some of the largest differences occur near
                                                              the centers of the sub-basins within the Mediterranean
                                                              (e.g. Menorca, or between Sicily andNorth Africa) but
                                                              they are smaller at the coasts of the larger landbodies
                                                              (e.g. North Africa or Castellan) andmostly no larger
                                                              than the observational uncertainties for Late Holocene
                                                              epochs. The pattern is similar for t ¼ 12 ka. Thus, within
                                                              the Mediterranean basin there are locations where the
                                                              predictions are relatively insensitive to earth-model
                                                              parameter choice anddata from these would constrain
                                                              primarily the esl function. Then there are other localities
          Fig. 3. Location map of principal sites mentionedin text. 1: Castellan,  where the earth-model dependence is substantial and by
          Spain. 2: Majorca and Balearic Islands. 3: Golfe du Lion. 4: Coˆ te  an appropriate selection of sites andepochs it shouldbe
          d’Azur. 5: Golfo di Genova. 6: Versilia Plain, Italy. 7: Sardinia. 8:  possible to invert sea-level data from the region to
          Golfe de Gabe ´ s. 9: Lampedusa. 10: Malta. 11: Golfo do Salerno. 12:  improve upon the rheological parameters, particularly if
          Ortona. 13: North Adriatic. 14: Trieste. 15: Susak, Croatia. 16: Golfo
          di Taranto. 17: Albania. 18: Peloponnisos. 19: Golfe de Sirte ´ . 20:  basin-wide data are available for the entire post-LGM
          Carmel Coast, Israel. The dashed lines correspond to the sections in  interval. Until such an analysis is completed, we adopt
          Figs. 4 and6.                                       the nominal earth-model parameters defined in Table 1
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13