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Biodiversity Journal, 2014, 5 (2): 359-366

                        Taxonomic notes on the genus  Pseudoapterogyna  Escalera,

                         1914 (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea Melolonthidae) in Sicily

                         Ignazio Sparacio

                        Via E. Notarbartolo 54 int.  13, 90145 Palermo, Italy;  e-mail:

                        ABSTRACT                  Ali Sicilian records ofthe genus Pseudoapterogyna Escalera, 1914 (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea
                                                  Melolonthidae) are revised. As a result four species are reported to occur in Sicily: P euphytus
                                                  lamantiai n. ssp. (for the populations ofPantelieria Island, previously attributed toP euphytus
                                                  s.I.),  P  vorax (Marseul, 1878) from Lampedusa Island, P pellegrinensis (Brenske in Ragusa,

                                                  1893) from Western Sicily (to which ali P  euphytus records from Sicily need to be attributed),
                                                  and P  michaelis n. sp. from Western Sicily.

                         KEYWORDS                 Melolonthidae; Pseudoapterogyna; Sicily; taxonomy.

                        Received 18.05.2014; accepted 22.06.2014; printed 30.06.2014

                        INTRODUCTION                                                        1892)  and P.  michaelis  n.  sp.,  both endemics  of
                                                                                            North-Western Sicily.
                             The Sicilian Pseudoapterogyna Escalera,  1914                      I consider Pseudoapterogyna  Escalera, 1914 as

                        (Coleoptera  Scarabaeoidea  Melolonthidae)  have                    a  separate  genus  ( according with Baraud,  1985;
                        been attributed  thus  far  to  P.  euphytus  (Buquet,              1992), and not as a synonym of Geotrogus Guérin-

                         1840), a species deemed to occur through Algeria,                  Méneville,  1842, as recently  proposed by Coca-
                        Tunisia  and  Sicily  (Rottenberg,  1871;  Ragusa,                  Abia (2003, see also Smetana &  Knil, 2006).

                         1873;  1874;  1893; Be1iolini,  1899; Heyden et al.,                     ACRONYMS  AND  ABBREVIATIONS.  V.
                         1883; Luigioni,  1929; Porta,  1932; Baraud,  1977;                Aliquò  collection,  Palermo,  Italy  (CVA);  M.

                         1985;  1992;  Arnone  et  al.,  1995;  Carpaneto  &                Arnone  collection,  Palermo,  Italy  (CMA);  M.
                        Piattella,  1995;  Sparacio,  1995;  Smetana &  Knil,               Bellavista collection (CMB); Armando Monastra
                        2006; Arnone, 20 l O;  Ballerio et al., 20 l 0).                    collection, Palermo, Italy (CAM); M.  Romano col-

                             Examination of type materia! of P.  euphytus plus              lection, Capaci, Palermo, Italy (CMR); I. Sparacio

                        a large quantity of specimens from Sicily and North-                collection, Palermo, Italy (CIS); A. Tetamo collec-
                        ern Africa allowed me to re-evaluate the taxonomic                  tion, Palermo, Italy (CAT);  Collection of Diparti-
                        status of the Sicilian populations of Pseudoapterog-                mento di Biologia Animale University of Catania,

                        yna. As a result P.  euphytus euphytus proved not                   Italy  (CMC);  Collection  of  Museo  Civico  di
                        to occur in Sicily, being restricted to Algeria and                 Storia  Naturale  "Giaco1no  Doria",  Genova,  Italy

                        Tunisia,  while  the  Sicilian populations  of Pseu-                (MCSNG);  Collection of Museum National d'His-
                        doapterogyna  proved  to  represent  three  distinct                toire Naturelle, Paris, France (MNHN); m =  male/s;

                        taxa: P.  euphytus lamantiai n.  ssp. from Pantelleria              f =  female/s.  Unless otherwise stated, the collector of
                        Island (Sicily Channel), P. pellegrinensis (Ragusa,                 the beetles in the fie l d is the owner of the collection.
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