Page 6 - Sparacio_2014
P. 6

364                                                      IGNAZIO SPARACIO

                        Pellegrino leg.  E.  Ragusa]"  (foothills, March, E.                in the centrai part ofboth the anterior and posterior
                        Ragusa.  [Monte  Pellegrino  leg.  E.  Ragusa]".  I                 margins of pronotum, the latter having also a very

                        hereby designate this  latter specimen as  the lec-                 dense tuft of long fine recumbent setae.  Sternum
                        totypus  of P.  pellegrinensis.  The following  red                 with dense yellowish setation. Antennae  l 0-seg-

                        handwritten label has been added to it: Lectotypus                  mented; scape elongate and distally dilatate, almost
                        - Pseudoapterogyna  pellegrinensis  Brenske  in                     as long as  2°-3° and 4° segments together; 2° seg-
                        Ragusa, 1893, I. Sparacio des. 2014. Ragusa used                    ment very short; club shorter than the 7 previous

                        to add the locality label only to the first speci1nen               segments together (club/funicle =  0.60).  Clypeus
                        of a seri es (Arnone, 20 l 0), therefore the remaining              with anterior 1nargin emarginate at middle.
                        ten specimens of the seri es, ali belonging toP. pel-                    Head covered with big deep dense punctures; a

                        legrinensis, ha ve to be consdiered as paralectotypi.               small transverse carina slightly raised and not reach-

                                                                                            ing the sides is present on clypeus. Pronotum trans-
                                                                                            verse,  2.3  ti1nes  wider  than  long,  sides  slightly
                        Pseudoapterogyna vorax (Marseul, 1878)                              curved a t basai, norrowed distally, maximum width

                                                                                            a t basai half; posteri or angles obtuse; anterior mar-
                             EXAMINED MATERIAL. Sicily (Agrigento), Lampe-                  gin slightly curved forward, posterior margin pro-
                        dusa,  4.VI.l975,  l  1n  (Pseudoapterogyna  vorax
                                                                                            jecting backward in the middle with basai bead thin
                        Mars. J. Baraud det.), legit B. Massa (CMA); idem,
                                                                                            and with sparse little punctures; a smooth longitu-
                         l f,  5.VI.1975 (CMA); Sicilia (Agrigento), Isola di
                                                                                            dinal  line  is  present  in  the middle  of pronotum;
                        Lampedusa, 15.V1983, l  f(CIS).
                                                                                            pronotal  surface  smooth  (not  microreticulated),

                             BIOLOGY AND  DISTRIBUTION.  Adults active in                   sculpture formed by mediu1n sized deep dense punc-
                        May and June. Records from other months (Arnone                     tures, regularly distributed over the entire surface
                        et al., 1995; Ballerio et al., 2010) are likely findings            ( the  distance between the punctures  subequal  to

                        of dead specimens, often found under stones.                        twice their diameter). Scutellum wide, subtriangu-
                             P.  vorax is widespread from Morocco to Libia                  lar, with curved sides, micro-reticulated, with deep
                        (Baraud, 1985). Baraud (1977) was the frrst to report               dense  punctation,  concentrated  mainly  at  sides,

                        the occurrence of this species in Lampedusa (Sicily                 covered by the dense recumbent long fine setation.
                        Channel),  later  Smetana  &  Knil  (2006)  added  a                     Humeral callus present. Elytra broad, dorsally

                        record from Lampione (an islet next to Lampedusa).                  flattened,  wider at distai  third,  coarsely striated,
                                                                                            with punctures large,  dense and deep  at the base
                             REMARKS. A comparison between the holotype
                                                                                            then densely wrinkled at apical third;  elytral apex
                        of P.  vorax  (MNHN, locus typicus: Algeria, Batna)
                                                                                            slightly divergent.  Pygidium with poorly defined
                        and a few specimens from Lampedusa Island did
                                                                                            shallow sparse punctures on densely micro-reticu-
                        not reveal any relevant difference between the two
                        populations.                                                        lated surface. Tarsal claws toothed a t base. Anterior
                                                                                            tarsi elongate,  l. 7 5 longer than the corresponding

                                                                                            tibiae. Anterior tibiae tridentate on external margin.

                        Pseudoapterogyna michaelis  n.  sp.                                 Posteri or tarsi elongate, l. 75 longer than the corre-
                                                                                            sponding tibiae, l o tarsomere distinctly shorter than
                             EXAMINED  MATERIAL.  Holotypus male:  Monte                    the 3  o. Posteri or tibiae without carina on dorsal si de.

                        Cofano (Trapani,  Sicily, Italy), 20.XI.2011  (CIS).                Metathoracic wings fully developed.
                        Paratypes: idem,  2m (CIS); idem, 17.XI.2013, 31                         Aedeagus,  in  latera!  view,  with  sub-parallel

                        m (CIS); idem, 20m, legitA. Tetamo (CMB); idem,                     parameres, distally slightly wider, with apex short,
                         8 m (CAT);  idem,  l1n, legit I.  Sparacio (MNHN);                 sharp and slightly curved.
                        idem,  l m, legit I.  Sparacio (MCSNG).                                  F emale unknown.

                             DESCRIPTION  OF  HOLOTYPUS.  Length 14.5 rmn.                       VARIABILITY.  Body length 13-18 rmn; colour of
                         Shiny.  Reddish-brown,  with  darker  pronotum;                    the dorsal surface is sometimes much darker, with
                        palpi, antenna  e, tarsi, latera! margins of pronotum,              pronotum almost completely dark.  In some speci-

                        and underside yellowish-brown;  long yellowish-                     mens there is a short and weak carina on the top of
                        brown erect setae are present around the body, denser               the dorsal face of posteri or tibiae.
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