Page 2 - Sparacio_2014
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Pseudoapterogyna euphytus euphytus Buquet, tures; elytral surface densely microreticulated, with
1840 shallow and poorly defined puncturation. Anterior
tibiae tridentate on extemal margin, basai tooth very
EXAMINED MATERIAL. l ex labelled: Ex Musaeo short, sometimes absent. Posterior tibiae without ca-
Mniszech l a Euphytus Bqt alg. type l Museum rina on dorsal side or, at least, proximally. l o metatar-
Paris - ex coli. R. Oberthur l SYNTYPE - Rhizotrogus somere short in both sexes. Claws toothed at base
euphytus Buquet, 1840 l SYNTYPE l SYNTYPE - and with a spine well developed. Pygidium finely
Pseudoapterogyna euphyta (Buquet, 1840) l wrinkled and micro-reticulated with puncturation
MHNHN EC4183. l ex labelled: Ex Musaeo made of shallow scattered large punctures mixed to
Mniszech l Museum Paris - ex coli. R. Oberthur l other much smaller and denser punctures. Posteri or
SYNTYPE - Rhizotrogus euphytus Buquet, 1840 l coxae of males far fro1n median coxae. Aedeagus
SYNTYPE l SYNTYPE - Pseudoapterogyna eu- with parameres, in latera! view, narrowed distally
phyta (Buquet, 1840) l MHNHN EC4184. Algeria, with very elongate and pointed apex.
Costantine, Bonvouloir, l m (MCSNG); Algeria, Females have a more convex dorsum, a smaller
Costantine, Renon, 3 m and l f (MCSNG); Algeria, antenna! club, shorter tarsi, posterior angles of
Batna, 27 marzo 1952, ex coli. G. Fiori, l m pronotu1n often pointed, and larger and coarser ely-
(MCSNG); Algeria, Bòne, 1874, Puton, 2m and 2 tral punctation.
f (MCSNG); Tunisia, Tunisi, Aut.-Inv. 1981-2, G.
e L. Doria, 3 m (MCSNG); Tunisia, Tunisi dint.,
1881, G. e L. Doria, l m Pseudoapterogyna euphytus lamantiai n. ssp.
EXAMINED MATERIAL. Holotypus male (CIS):
under stones. Algeria and Tunisia.
Pantelleria (Sicily, Italy), Sesi, 10.V.l991, l m;
REMARKS. P. euphytus was described from Con- Paratypes: ibidem, 30.IV.l995, 2 m and 4 f (CIS).
stantine in Algeria (Buquet, 1840). The synonyms Pantelleria, II.l906, S. Sommier, Rhizotrogus eu-
of this species are the following (Baraud, 1985; phytus Buq., det. Sabatinelli, 4 m (MCSNG). l
1992; S1netana & Knil, 2006): maculicollis Fair- male labelled: "Pantelleria" and l male without
maire nec Villa, 1860; biskrensis Marseul, 1878 label, likely from the same locality as above (see
locus typicus: Biskra, Algeria; tuniseus Fainnaire, below) E. Ragusa collection (CMC).
1884 locus typicus: Tunis, Tunisia; dilutus Fair-
maire, 1860 locus typicus: Tunis, Tunisia.
Yellowish-brown, disc of pronotum sometimes
The study of P. euphytus type materia! (Figs. l,
dark brown; antennae, palpi, legs, pubescence, and
2), and of severa! specimens from the type locality
ventral surface yellowish; dorsal surface sub-
and other places in Algeria and Tunisia allows to
opaque. Head with deep and dense punctation and
summarize the diagnosis of this species (see also
a thin, slightly raised transverse carina; clypeus
Baraud, 1985) as follows:
slightly emarginate at middle of anterior 1nargin.
Males with fully developed metathoracic wings, Antennae l O-seg1nented, club 3-segmented, about
females are flightless. Length 12-16 mm.; yellow- half the length of funicle ( clublfunicle = 0.52);
ish-brown, disc of pronotum sometimes darker;
scape dilated distally, almost as long as the 2°, 3 o
dorsal surface sub-opaque; antennae l 0-segmented, and 4 o segments together. Pronotum with maximum
scape elongate and dilated distally, club developed, width just before middle, sides crenulated, subrec-
shmier than funicle ( clublfunicle = 0.64); pronotum tilinear with a little sinuation before posterior pro-
glabrous, only a few sparse short erect setae on an- truding angles; anterior margin subrectilinear; basai
terior margin, surface micro-reticulated, punctation bead complete, flattened and punctate; pronotal
with large an d dense punctures ( the distance be- sculpturing made of middle-sized deep sparse punc-
tween the punctures being subequal or inferior to tures (the distance between the punctures being
their diameter); posterior angles well marked, in more than double their diameter) clearly visible on
most cases distinctly projecting backwards, pre- the micro-reticulated surface; the anterior margin
ceded by a slight sinuosity at latera! sides; base of and sides of pronotum bear short and sparse fine
pronotum marked by a trasversal row of coarse punc- setae. Scutellum triangular, bearing some short