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THE ISLAND RULE IN LARGE MAMMALS                                1739

             later cohabited with new species evolving in situ (Vos 1996,  direction of this variation agrees with the influence of bio-
             2000). Depending on whether one recognizes one or two  logical interaction—mainly competition in the case of un-
             colonization events, either four or three deer species origi-  gulates and resource base in the case of carnivores—and con-
             nated on this island (Capasso Barbato 1988, 1990; Vos 1996,  tradicts the notion of an optimal size. Instead, smaller sizes
             2000). The three largest, and stratigraphically younger (Cer-  may be selected for in insular ungulates because resources
             vus rethymnensis, C. dorothoensis, and C. major), were as  that are no longer needed for antipredator behavior and in-
             large as or even larger (much larger in the case of C. major;  terspecific competition can be safely reallocated to repro-
             online Appendix 1) than mainland red deer. The size of youn-  duction (Brown 1995; Raia et al. 2003; Lomolino 2005),
             ger Crete deer contradicts the common rule for large mam-  resulting in lower adult body mass (Roff 2000; Stearns et al.
             mals (i.e., dwarfism, Lomolino 2005) but is expected ac-  2000; Charnov 2001). However, once the smallest size clas-
             cording to our hypothesis. The overdispersion of Crete deer  ses were occupied, new species evolved larger body size.
             sizes (which is robust irrespective of the taxonomy one ap-  This should be not viewed as maladaptive. We argue that
             plies) further indicates the importance of competition among  species arriving later simply faced different conditions, for
             them. The regression of M 3 lengths in island-mainland pairs  which the size they attained was probably adaptive (Case
             had a slope not statistically different from one, indicating  1978). Indeed, larger size allows the inclusion of new (lower
             that the degree of dwarfism is independent of ancestor size.  quality but often superabundant) resources, at least in her-
             This is striking given that our dataset is disproportionately  bivores (Demment and Van Soest 1985; Illius and Gordon
             rich in islands where elephants were the only large herbivores  1992; Clauss and Hummel 2005). Competition with smaller
             (and therefore reducing the most in size relative to their main-  species is thus reduced. The only clear disadvantage of larger-
             land ancestors, according to our expectations).      sized ungulates seems to be an extended growth period. In
               Our results suggest that carnivore sizes are influenced by  carnivores, body size seems mainly related to the ability to
             resources and little else. However, whether it is resource  acquire resources. Superabundant, energetically rich foods
             biomass available or prey size or both that are important is  (e.g., salmon runs), will promote gigantism (Case and Schwa-
             unclear. Carnivore size is affected neither by ancestral body  ner 1993; Goltsman et al. 2005), but prey size is also a major
             size per se (Meiri et al. 2004, 2006; this study); nor by island  factor: in the absence of large prey, carnivores can dwarf
             area, isolation, diet, and phylogenetic affinities (Goltsman et  (e.g., island foxes, Urocyon littoralis dwarf in the absence of
             al. 2005; Meiri et al. 2004, 2005a, 2006; this study); nor by  rabbits, see also Jessop et al. 2006), but when large prey is
             most within-guild interspecific interactions (this study). Al-  available carnivores remain large.
             though modal prey size may differ between males and females  In summation, we believe size evolution on islands is not
             of the same species (e.g., Loy et al. 2004; Radloff and Du  directly dependent on abiotic attributes such as area and iso-
             Toit 2004), the effect of the nature of the resource base is  lation. Such factors can have an indirect effect on animal
             shared among the sexes, and SSD does not increase on is-  body sizes because they influence the numbers and identities
             lands. Unfortunately, we cannot test for SSD in fossil un-  of species that occur on islands. However, we emphasize that
             gulates (except for a few deer populations) because of the  species are real interacting entities, not merely numbers to
             difficulties in sexing fossils. Thus, the claims of large SSD
                                                                  be added. Size of insular mammals probably depends on the
             (and paedomorphosis) in island fossil ungulates remain an-
                                                                  peculiar biotic characteristics of a given island in a given
             ecdotal (e.g., Ambrosetti 1968; Malatesta 1980; Capasso Bar-
                                                                  time, and on the biological attributes of resident species.
             bato 1988; but see Palombo 2001; Raia et al. 2003). Nev-
                                                                  These attributes may be weakly correlated with absolute body
             ertheless, we predict that increased SSD is likely to occur in
                                                                  size, but a better understanding of the autecological char-
             ungulates because they are not constrained by the need to
                                                                  acteristics of a given insular population is the key to pre-
             remain large in order to subdue prey. We could not quantify
                                                                  dicting the direction of magnitude of size evolution on islands
             resource availability for fossil ungulates; yet, the highly sig-
                                                                  and elsewhere.
             nificant effects of competition and predation indicate that
             resource limitations could not have been very important. Pri-
             mary productivity seems to have little influence on energy
             flow in island ecosystems (Schoener 1989).              We thank R. Asher (Museum fur Naturkunde, Humboldt
               Another class of explanation of size evolution rests on  Universita¨t, Berlin), D. Balkwill and M. Gosselin, (Canadian
             optimal body size hypothesis (Brown et al. 1993; Damuth  Museum of Nature), Y. Chang Man (Raffles Museum), J.
             1993; Marquet and Taper 1998; cf. Blackburn and Gaston  Chupasko (MCZ, Harvard), Elisabetta Cioppi (Museo di Pa-
             1996; Kozlowski and Teriokhin 1999; Roy et al. 2000; Meiri  leontologia, Universita` di Firenze), Andy Currant and J.J.
             et al. 2004, 2005b). Lomolino (2005) distinguished different  Hooker (Natural History Museum, London), J. Dawson
             optima for different taxa (or underlying bauplans). Our data  (New-Walk Museum), M. del Re (Museo di Paleontologia,
             suggest that body size on islands evolves according to pre-  Universita` di Napoli), C. Di Patti (Museo Rocco Gemellaro,
             vailing ecological conditions. In Pleistocene Mediterranean  Universita` di Palermo), J. Eger and S. Woodward (Royal
             islands, there were several cases of a mainland species re-  Ontario Museum), H. Endo (National Science Museum, To-
             peatedly colonizing islands. SR varied from 0.23 to 0.82 in  kyo), B. Engesser (Naturhistorischen Museum, Basel), G.
             E. antiquus, from 0.6 to 1.35 for the C. elaphus, from 0.47  Fornasiero (Museo di Paleontologia, Universita` di Padova),
             to 0.91 for Praemegaceros verticornis, and so on. Similarly,  D. Harrison and M. Perch (Harrison Zoological Institute), D.
             SR often varies in carnivores on different islands (e.g., in  Hills (Natural History Museum, London), T. Holmes (Uni-
             Paradoxurus hermaphroditus it ranges from 1.1 to 0.88). The  versity of Kansas Museum of Natural History), G. Jarrell
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