Page 10 - VONBRACKE2008
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France, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, and Sweden) as well as from North
America. We do not know about records of this obviously rare species from

Pseudocercospora lichenum (KEISSL.) D. HAWKSW.
16a: on Physconia distorta (hb IVL 4229).

        This hyphomycete seems to be a very rare species. Except of the type lo-
cation in Austria (KEISSLER 1913) we found only reports from Germany (POELT
1972) and Mallorca (ETAYO 1996). Known hosts are Haematomma cismonicum,
Lobaria pulmonaria and Ramalina sp.

Stigmidium congestum (KÖRB.) TRIEBEL
8: on Lecanora chlarotera (hb IVL 3928).

        This is a common and widespread fungus growing on the apothecia of the
Lecanora chlarotera group, known from many European countries, the Canary
Islands, North America, Asia, and New Zealand. In Italy it was reported from
Lombardia (ROUX & TRIEBEL 1994, TRIEBEL 2007), Molise (TRIEBEL 2007), Sardinia
(NIMIS & POELT 1987), Campania (JATTA 1875), and Puglia (JATTA 1875). New for

Stigmidium neofusceliae CALATAYUD & TRIEBEL
3: on Xanthoparmelia pulla (hb IVL 3967).

        Stigmidium neofusceliae was known from three localities near Valen-
cia/Spain on Xanthoparmelia pulla and X. verruculifera (CALATAYUD & TRIEBEL
1999) and from two localities in the Czech Republic on X. verruculifera (KOCOUR-
KOVÁ 2000). In our specimen we could not observe the I+ violet reaction of the
hymenial gel, only the brown parts of the vegetative hyphae and of the asco-
matal wall turned from brown to dirty dark violet after treatment with iodine.
New for Sicily, probably also for Italy.

Stigmidium squamariae (DE LESD.) CL. ROUX & TRIEBEL
4: on Lecanora pruinosa (hb IVL 4226).

        This widespread but rarely recorded fungus growing on the apothecia of
Lecanora muralis agg., Lecanora polytropa, Lecanora valesiaca, and Rhizoplaca peltata
is known from some European countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Germany,
Spain) as well as from the Canary Islands, North and Central America, and
Asia. In Italy it was known from Lombardia (ROUX & TRIEBEL 1994). New for

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