Page 6 - VONBRACKE2008
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Lichenoconium usneae (ANZI) D. HAWKSW.
18: on Melanohalea exasperata, apothecia (hb IVL 3948).

        A widespread and common fungus, with preference growing on apothe-
cia of members of the Parmeliaceae, Physciaceae and Ramalinaceae (HAWKS-
WORTH 1977). The type is from Lombardia (ANZI 1868) and the species was also
collected by Arnold in Italy (Südtirol) in 1896 (HAWKSWORTH 1977).

Lichenodiplis lecanorae (VOUAUX) DYKO & D. HAWKSW.
8: on Caloplaca flavorubescens var. quercina (hb IVL 3932).

        A cosmopolitan species on a wide range of mostly crustose or placodioid
lichens. In Italy it is known from the island of Marettimo near the west coast of
Sicily (NIMIS et al. 1994).

Lichenostigma cosmopolites HAFELLNER & CALATAYUD
1a: (hb IVL 3956); 2: (hb IVL 3958); 3: (hb IVL 3961); 21: (hb IVL 3951); all on
Xanthoparmelia conspersa.

        According to HAFELLNER & CALATAYUD (1999) Lichenostigma cosmopolites
is widespread in extratropical regions of both hemispheres. In Italy it was
known from Trentino-Alto Adige, Elba (HAFELLNER & CALATAYUD 1999) and
Sardinia (NIMIS & POELT 1987). It seems to be confined to the genus Xanthopar-
melia. New for Sicily.

Lichenostigma elongatum NAV.-ROS. & HAFELLNER
1a: on Aspicilia cinerea (hb IVL 4137 in the specimen of Acarospora hospitans); 16b:
on Aspicilia calcarea agg. (hb IVL 3943).

        According to NAVARRO-ROSINÉS & HAFELLNER (1996) Lichenostigma elonga-
tum has a central European-Mediterranean distribution and is also found in Af-
rica, Asia, Australia, and North America. Some later records, e.g. from Russia,
the Canary Islands, and New Zealand, show the worldwide distribution of the
species. In Italy it was known from Trentino-Alto Adige, Emilia-Romagna,
Friuli-Venezia Giulia, and Liguria; in Sicily it was reported from the Madonie
mountains (NAVARRO-ROSINÉS & HAFELLNER 1996). It is confined to the genera
Aspicilia and Lobothallia.

Muellerella lichenicola (SOMMERF.) D. HAWKSW.
4: on Caloplaca aurantia (hb IVL 3978); 5: on C. aurantia (hb IVL 3982); 8: on
Physcia aipolia (hb IVL 3839); 17: on Caloplaca saxicola (hb IVL 3946).

        This worldwide distributed species was known in Italy from Sardinia
(NIMIS & POELT 1987) and from the island of Marettimo (NIMIS et al. 1994). It
grows on a wide range of host lichens, but preferably on members of the Phy-
sciaceae and Teloschistaceae (TRIEBEL 1989).

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